Advertising Your Affiliate Program On A Budget
You've joined a great affiliate program that is going to make you a ton of cash! But for now your on a really tight budget and you need customers to click on your affiliate link. One way I have found to save money when promoting my affiliate programs is free advertising. Promote your affiliate program and get new customers for free.
Classified advertising connects buyers and sellers all in one convenient location. If you have just joined an affiliate program and your advertising budget is near the bottom of the barrel,

you really should try classified ad sites for free advertising. Most classified sites offer easy to use control panel, ad editing at any time, listing traffic stats, printable posters and flyers, upload photos and some even offer video all for free. In fact, most are search engine optimized to get you search engine exposure allowing you to get noticed by thousands of visitors who visit the site in search of service providers. Hoards of people from all over the nation, what's better than a national audience of millions.Most classified sites are free to join and post ads. Some even offer unlimited ads. Classifieds Giant allows users to post an unlimited number of free ads with no registration required. Of course with all the benefits they have to offer you would want to register for an account, it's fast and easy and free. Classifieds Earth offers a store front. Post your listings, upload a store banner and even get traffic stats all for less than $20.00 per year. Now I don't know about you but I think that is very cost effective considering the fact that most hosting companies charge that and more per month to host a store front. At Web Classifieds when you renew/edit your ad the system considers it new and post it at the top. You are allowed to renew/edit every day. Now that's ads on a budget.Article marketing is another great form of free advertising. Article marketing allows you to target your customers to your affiliate program. Visitors would actually be interested in your product and read your article and ultimately click on your affiliate link. Amazines offers one of the largest online article communities on the web. Manage your author profile. Easily submit your articles. Track/Manage/Edit your posted articles. View article counters that track the number of times your article was viewed. They make your articles available to their premium network of subscribers, guaranteeing that your articles are read by quality readers.When submitting articles you must follow the guidelines because each site is different. Some will allow affiliate links in your article but some will only allow a link in the resource box and it must be a link to your website. Articles Factory will allow three links in your articles. Amazines states they are "a directory of articles, not blatant advertisements. In order to submit your article, your article must contain useful and informative content". Write a good quality article on your product, submit your article and literally have thousands of readers worldwide because most article submission sites syndicate. Some webmasters visit the article sites for free content. You publish one article to an article submission site and that same article can begin appearing on countless other websites. Remember when advertising your affiliate link always choose a great headline. You must grab the attention of the reader, make it irresistable to click on the link. Make it stand out. With a little time and effort it is possible to get the customers you need with your free advertising campaigns.