Best Tips for Removing Stickers
Stickers are one of the most appreciated multi purpose products. They have plenty of applications around the world. We find stickers all around us in our everyday lives. They are used as product labels, for education & learning, product branding, advertisement, decoration and many other purposes
Stickers are one of the most appreciated multi purpose products. They have plenty of applications around the world. We find stickers all around us in our everyday lives. They are used as product labels,

for education & learning, product branding, advertisement, decoration and many other purposes. We often buy a sticker from the stationery shop or we get a sticker of some promotional campaign and paste it at a certain place. Later we often realize that it’s not looking good at that place and needs to be removed. Now this can turn out to be a pretty nasty process. The stickers which are pasted since long time are more difficult to remove as compared to those which are pasted in the near past. The stickers are fun to stick on but are often a pain to remove as they leave residue on the surface that they are removed from. The right way to remove a sticker from a wall is to remove it neatly while keeping the paint intact underneath. You should pull it very gently and slowly otherwise it will take some paint with it as well. The printing companies have been focusing on printing stickers on vinyl stock instead of paper stock because vinyl stock is easier to remove and does not leave residue on the surface. There are certain methods that are frequently used by people for removing stickers. Some of the commonly used methods are discussed below: Use a Potential Solvent Using a potential solvent can be a great help in removing your sticker efficiently. There are lots of potential solvents including lighter fluid, alcohol, acetone, nail polish remover, vegetable oil, olive oil and many more. In order to remove stickers you will need to soak a piece of cloth, preferably a towel in the solvent and rub it over the sticker until some of the solvent soaks into the sticker. Repeat this step again and again and don’t forget to soak the cloth every time you rub it on the sticker. This removal procedure works well on stickers printed on paper stock. Vinyl stickers printing is usually done using thick vinyl stock which cannot be removed with a solvent. However a hair dryer can be a great help in removing any kind of sticker including vinyl sticker. Use Razor Blade In case your sticker is really nasty and is stuck really hard to a surface, you can use a razor blade carefully to remove it. You can purchase a holder for the razor blade. Alternatively you can carefully hold the razor blade and use the single edged razor blade for safety and clean process. A die cut sticker is easier to remove as compared to a regular sized sticker. The best way to remove a sticker is to apply a solvent and then start from an edge as you will also be able to judge the intensity of its stickiness to the surface. It works best when you require removing a sticker from glass surface such as a glass window or a glass door. In order to remove the sticker from the wall you should firmly press the razor blade against the surface and slide it over the sticker. This will help in most of the cases. Use Special Tools With the enhancement in the technology, man has invented several handy tools for his convenience in completing daily tasks. Some of the special tools used for removing stickers include ‘Goo Gone’ which is America’s number one brand in Tough Task Removers. Its products combine Scientific Technology and Citrus Power to defeat the toughest sticky, gooey, greasy, gummy problems and stains without harming the surface below. Another very handy product for this purpose is known as ‘Wonder Wheel’. It is specially designed to quickly and effectively remove stickers. The Wonder Wheel is made from soft rubber and Wonder Blade from plastic which means that it is safe to use on almost all surfaces. PrintingBlue being one of the leading online printing companies offers removable and reusable custom sticker printing solutions to its customers around the world.