Elements of an Effective Ad Copy

Feb 2


Jullieanne Matheson

Jullieanne Matheson

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To write an effective ad copy, you must focus on capturingthe attention of your potential customer. When you firstbought the product or service you are promoting, think backto what prompted your desire to purchase it in the first place.Make a list of everything that enticed you to make the decisionto purchase.


Ask yourself the following questions and write your answersdown in point form:

- What is this product or service? Describe it.

- What can this product or service do for me?

- Compare similar products or services,Elements of an Effective Ad Copy Articles what makes mine better?

- Is my price within reason of comparable products or services?

- How does this product or service make me feel? Am I excited?  Blown away? Intrigued?

- How can I make my offer more enticing? Do I have anything  I can add as a bonuses?

Once you have your answers written out, you will have a startingpoint for your ad copy. Be sure to direct some of the questionsto your readers, to give them the opportunity to think as theyread.

Don't be afraid to be personal in your ad copy. You can do thisby using phrases such as:

"I was totally amazed by..."

"When I started using it, I was stunned at the results!"

"I have to say, I am beyond impressed with..."

Other ways to add a personal touch, is to hand write a letter,describing how your product or service makes you feel, orhow it has better improved your life or business. Scan theletter and upload it to your computer, to place it in your adcopy on your website.

If you do not have your product or service endorsed by some well-known people, contact some, and offer yourproduct or service for free in return for a testimony. Inother words, create a Joint-Venture Proposal. When yousee testimonies from well-known people, you areautomatically compelled to read more, and certainly enticedto buy.

If at all possible, show pictures or descriptions of beforeand after situations. Indicate what a current problem is andhow your product or service will solve it.

Finally, increase your potential customer's trust in you.Include your picture, name, and contact information on yourwebsite to build trust. After all, no one is going to flip outthe credit card to by from a no name.

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