We see it all the time. You find, what you believe, is the perfect product or opportunity to promote to the masses. The first thing on your mind is to get the word out as quickly as possible. Theproblem is, you may be jumping the gun and the response to your campaign might not be what you expected.
I'm not just talking about the quick bucks you will beexpecting, I'm thinking more like the long term, residual income,and your profile.
You may be thinking, "What does my profilehave to do with anything?" Ok, fair enough, let me ask you this... Where do you want to go online? You are marketing onthe internet, surely you are hoping that just some day you canquit your day job and do this full time right? Most people will say "Of course!" Preparing your long term objective will take time and in manycases you will be learning so much along the way. Onlinemarketing is a non-stop learning adventure and, over time, youlearn an abundance of information while adding credibility to your profile.
The first step you should take before promoting anything, is to have your own website and the must-have opt-in list. I know,you've heard it a million times - the money is in the list. Well,while I don't dissagree with that statement, it's part of yourprofile. You are creating a database of people who opt to receive information from you and that builds trust, whichequals increased income.
Ok, I could go on and on about theimportance of your own ezine or newsletter, but that would bea whole new article or two or three or four! When you think about the product or opportunity you wish topromote, you will want to give your prospects more incentiveto purchase from you. You can easily do this by making yourproduct or opportunity the "second page" of your marketing plan.
What I mean by the "second page" is something likea "one time offer".
The "one time offer" is what your prospectswill see after your initial landing page. Your landing page is thepage you create which offers something for free.
On the page where you are offering "freebies", you could have an opt-in form which you can make a requirement in order to receive the free products.
Once the reader opts into your list, then you could have the autoresponder re-directthem to your "one time offer" page.
The prospect will theneither purchase the product, or click a link to let the offer goand just get the freebies you offered in the beginning.
I know you are thinking that the point is to make the sale.
However, you just got that prospect on your mailing list! So,this person will have more time to get to know you and yourrecommendations. Either way you win! Once you are set up with your website, your email list andyour marketing plan, you are well on your way to creatingyour online profile and increasing your income - for the longterm.
Work From Home Online - Starting From Scratch With Private Label Rights Products
You already know that thousands of people are supplementingtheir income by starting home-based businesses online. Perhaps you have thought about it yourself, and maybe eventried one or two things just to test the waters. There's nodenying that it is not as easy as some say it is!Avoid Common Mistakes When Advertising Online
Take a good look on the Internet, and you will see manyadvertising resources available for you to promote yourproducts, services, or affiliate programs.Elements of an Effective Ad Copy
To write an effective ad copy, you must focus on capturingthe attention of your potential customer. When you firstbought the product or service you are promoting, think backto what prompted your desire to purchase it in the first place.Make a list of everything that enticed you to make the decisionto purchase.