Few Points to Note before Using Brochure Displays
Brochure displays can add tremendously to the business. If the type of brochure holder and the correct placement is taken into good consideration, it will help in visitors notice in just one glance.
In this age of corporate slowdown or economic downturn,

in simple words the economic recession, all business houses are looking out on how to cut down on manpower. But especially in the retail market or corporations which work through showrooms, they are cutting down on front office staff can be unproductive or counterproductive. The word of the day is to minimize in every scope. This is where brochure displays come into play. All the time we come across inquisitive customers coming into the shop or showroom who are either non-potential onlookers or they are not very much interested in communication.
Handing over brochures is a nice tactic as it does not risk the losing of a potential buyer by being rude, as one cannot attend to everybody, nor does it waste time on a practical window-shopper. As we were talking about labor conservation, investing a person to hand out brochures will totally kill the need of brochures as anyhow recruitment for an extra person is always costly. Hence, a slick brochure holder will always come in handy.
Brochure displays can add tremendously to the business if the type of brochure holder and the correct placement is taken into good consideration. As far as placement is concerned we all know that it should be placed in such a way that anyone entering the business space should be able come across the brochure holder as soon as he or she steps in. rather if it is a shop then counter top or table top brochure displays are really helpful. Passersby can just pick up one and be on their way. One does not have to be an artist or furthermore an interior designer to understand this, or a complete moron to make a mess out of it.
A few things have to be kept in mind when decisions regarding these brochure displays. First and foremost one has to keep in mind what size these displays are going to be. Brochure displays can be of varied shapes and sizes. So, before ordering any such display holders one has to keep in mind what size is the size of the respective brochure. One can do away with such worries as free size brochure displays are also available in the market or over the net. Going on further with such details a very important part of any display holder is its look and presence. It has to be kept in mind that the brochures have to grab the eyeballs and not the display holder.
Display holders with tacky decorations are a strict no-no. In some cases, tag-lines like ‘pick-one’ or ‘take a look’ can be helpful at some places but necessarily cannot be the rule. But if the displays are meant for kids, which is not so likely in the huge space of this type of products, a toy shape, like a bunny rabbit or a teddy bear shape brochure display can be very effective. In general, no matter what shape or size the display is it should be clear, transparent and lightweight. The brochures are anyhow made very colorful and attractively designed. So there is no point in putting them in a colored display rack, as it would hide the effort went behind the brochure design.