Booklet printing of your graduation programs should not be hard or too expensive with the right system.
Graduation time is the busiest time for teachers, students, and staff of the school. This is when the final exams are held early so that they can be checked and final scores tallied for the final grade. The final grade will determine who will graduate or not and who gets into the honor roll. The graduation committee will then work on the booklet printing of the graduation programs because let’s face it, these booklets have to come out before or on the day of the graduation itself otherwise they lose their purpose. Then there are toga fittings, practices for the graduation ceremony, and all the other nitty-gritty details pertaining to the final day. It is no wonder that during these days, the stress levels of advisers are at their peak. Plan the contents Write down the possible contents of your program. These could be the program for the ceremonies, list of graduating students, honor roll, list of awardees, messages, and songs. If you have orphaned pages, reserve some fillers like the hall of past valedictorians and salutatorians.
Do the Paging Across your list for the contents, write the number of pages that you will allot for the program. Do not forget to include the covers, which will comprise 4 pages. You have the option to use any of these covers or to leave them as blank. Make the page imposition by folding several sheets of paper together and assigning the contents to each page. Your number of pages should be divisible by four, because one sheet of page when folded will result to four pages. This should be your rule when adding contents—you have to fill up four pages. So if you only have one orphaned page, you might as well reconsider if it is worth adding another four pages for it or if you could kill it or another page in its stead. The most practical option is to kill one page because adding four pages could entail a big amount in terms of printing cost.
Key in existing data There are pages that you could already prepare beforehand, long before the event, such as the list of students, as this is already available at the beginning of the school year. Do the layout of each page already because you can just easily take out the names of the students who will not be able to qualify for graduation. You can also make templates for the messages, the honor roll, the awardees, and all the pages so that you will have to input only the text when they are available. Have an artist design the cover in advance. You may also make the program cover inspired by the yearbook cover design so that they would match.
Cheap programs In some cases, the school would like to save some money so that they will not have to charge their students so much for the printing of the programs. So they go to the printer of their yearbook so that they could get a package deal. Depending on the design and material of the graduation program, you could get huge discounts from your printer.
Booklet printing of your graduation programs should not be too hard or too expensive with the right system. And most of all, your booklets will come on or before the schedule.
For more easy tips and wise ideas about cost effective and winning print materials visit: booklet printing.
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