Hello again to all my readers! Today I will show you how you can gain 1000 followers on Twitter every month, for free, without any revolutionary software, and with the huge and long effort of TWO hours per week. Yes, that’s true, all you need is two hours every week and you will gain at least 250 followers every week. And you don’t need to buy any revolutionary software for that. It’s all free. Twitter itself is the one which helps you to do that.
I suppose that everybody knows by now what is Twitter,

anyway, I will describe it for short. Twitter is a free microblog platform where you can interact with people which share your interests from all over the world. You just open a free account and you may start tweeting. The beauty of Twitter is the challenge to send a message using only 140 characters, and frankly, I love that. It is an excellent exercise for mind, you must focus on how you can describe in 140 characters all what you want to say.
As for the Internet marketers this is a huge advertising opportunity. Unfortunately, many of them doesn’t realise that a blatant advertising gives the contrary result. The best way to make business on Twitter is to find people which are interested in your niche, to follow them, to contact them when they follow you back, and to start building a relation with them before trying to sell them something. Of course, this takes time, but nothing in this world is easy.
Back to the way to gain 1000 followers every month for free and without any software, the first solution is in your Twitter page. Just log in into your account, and, on the top right of your page, you have the option “Find People”. Click on it and a new window will open, where you have four option to find people. The last one is “Suggested Users”. Click on it and Twitter will show you various users which you can follow, usually, I find about 300 hundred every week. You may select them one by one or you may check them all, and Twitter will charge to follow all of them in your name. Not all of them will follow you back, but this problem we will talk later. Anyway, at least half of them will follow you back for sure.
The second source to gain followers on Twitter for free is Twellow, the “Yellow Pages” version of Twitter. Just type in Google search “Twellow.com” and you will be pointed right there in a second. Sign up for free with your Twitter account, update your profile, specify your interests, and then you may type in the search box from the top of the screen the niche you are interested in. In the moment I am writing this article they have 613,7 million followers and 5,1 million Twitter profiles in their data base. It is hard to believe that you will not find few thousands followers, no matter what your interests are. Follow about 300 profiles once and the rate will be approximately the same with the above solution. I can guarantee you that you will gain at leat 250 followers from the both sources every week.
Now you will say: “What about the rest?”. It’s true, Twitter gives a qualification degree related to the report between the number of people you are following and the ones which are following you. The solution is simple, another online free tool which doesn’t even ask you to open an account. Type in Google Search “Twitter Karma”, and the first option you will see is “Your Twitter Karma”. Sign in with your Twitter username and password, click the “Whack” button, and in short time you will see all your Twitter data base, divided in “only following”, “only followers” and “mutual friends”. On the top of the page go to the option “Show all”, check “only following”, go to the bottom of the page, click on “Check all” and then click on “Bulk unfollow”. When the operation is done, go to the top of the page, check “only followers”, again to the bottom of the page, click on “Check all” and then “Bulk follow”, and that’s it. It takes some time for the two bulk operations, but you don’t have to spend your time there, you may change the window or do whatever you like, and then come back and see if it’s done.
Repeat these three operations every week, and you will gain at least 250 followers per week without any doubt. I am doing it for two weeks and it works like clock. Not to mention that I gained few valuable friends through this method. This is how you can gain every month for free 1000 followers on Twitter without any revolutionary software. I confess that I have tried few from these software and the result was zero. I don’t know if my followers came on natural way or from the software in that period, but there was no difference between acting normal and using software. Since I discovered this method, I am counting more than 250 new followers every week, and I see no reason that you can not do it. If you want more tips related to affiliate marketing, visit my site.