Do you always find it hard to come up with great ... ... you want to start writing your ads ? If you are a bit longer in online business already, you will ... know that feeling of em
Do you always find it hard to come up with great headlines when-
ever you want to start writing your ads ? If you are a bit longer in
online business already, you will certainly know that feeling of
emptyness in your head . But there's no need for that ...
What if you had a huge collection of headlines from which you
could always withdraw ideas for your own products ? Wouldn't
that make your Internet marketer's life a lot easier ? Then why
don't you go for it ? Only with an excellent headline you will get
the success you deserve .
Headlines Are Everywhere Around You
You are surrounded by ads and headlines everywhere you go.
Pick up those headlines and phrases which you know that have
run for years already (Think of Coca-Cola, Microsoft or Intel
etc.) . These must be successful or they would have changed
them a long time ago.... And now, analyze them :
How do they come up with their benefits ? Do they ask ques-
tions to the prospect ? Are they arising your curiosity ? Do
they stir up your emotions ? To which ads would you respond
personally ? Choose the ones that you think would make you
react to the offer.
Learn From Successful Headlines And Write Them Down
Write down that headline they use. And from now on, every
time you see a good headline, add it to your collection and keep
it within the right category to make it easier for you to find them
later. If you have a collection of, let me say more than 300 head-
lines, it makes life much easier.
Try to categorize your headlines into the following examplified,
most important types (this is just a tiny fraction...) :
1.) Strong guarantee
Example : "If you are not completely satisfied and you don't
make your initial investment back within the next 3 months,
I'll refund you every penny you paid !"
2.) Arises curiousity
Example : "Are You Really Safe In Your House ? Protect
Yourself And Your Family...."
3.) Uses testimonials
Example : "I'm Al Green And I Must Say I Really Love This
New Diet Program. I lost 4,5 Pounds Of Weight Within Just
27 days!"
4.) Emotional headline
Example : "Discover how you can retire within just one year
and relax at a white, tropical beach with a longdrink in your
hand and no financial worries anymore!"
How do you transfer these existing headlines into your new
moneymakers ?.. Most of these headlines follow certain rules
which can be easily copied and replaced with your own ad
So if the original headline is "How to build your first website
without any knowledge of HTML ! " , you'll have :
- How to.........without
Change : ===> "How to save on your taxes without using
illegal tricks !"
You haven't copied the idea of the original headline, just the
structure behind it and that is no plagiarism ...! You'll find that
over and over again in advertising. So why shouldn't you use
this method, too ?
Or let's take the headlines of the four examples above, you
have the structures :
a.) - If you are not ....., and ......... , I'll ...........
Change : ==> "If you are absolutely not convinced of this
product and you think it has not helped you , I'll refund you
with three times of the original price you paid for it."
b.) - Are you really .....(+Action) !
Change : ==> "Are You Really Making Enough Money In
Your Present Job? Join Our Company XYZ And You'll
Know What Our Co-Workers Earn...!"
c.) - I am ( and I really love
Change : ==> "I am Mitch Cassidy And I Really Love
This New Software Program by Software-Wiz - It's So
Easy To Set Up, Even I, As A Computer "Newbie", Can
Do This !"
d.) - Discover how .......and
Change : ==> "Discover How You Can Start Your Own
Home-Business And Earn Money From It In Less Than
30 days !"
Keep your headlines savely stored and categorized, and
you will get new ideas anytime you need them. You don't
even have to pay for it...
Find Your Niche And Dominate It!
Do you know how many people jump on the ... ... ... each year? I don't know the exact number either but it must be ... The ... is getting bigger and bigger. But WHY?Why Using Tracking Links In Article Resource Boxes Can Block Your Link Popularity
You will have been said a hundred times that you need to track ... that is related to your ... ... or you will fail. Yes, this is really ... because ... you won't knowThe Shocking Truth About Pop-Ups !
You will ... already know a lot about pop-ups if you ... on the web on a regular basis . They are those tiny ... that open up if you are just entering a site or if you want to l