Despite new marketing techniques, catalog printing remains a reliable marketing tool.
Perhaps you understand by now that catalogs are still an effective marketing material that will help you sell your business. Despite modern marketing techniques, catalog printing remains a reliable marketing tool. If you want to include catalogs in your marketing program but don’t know how, here are some tips you can consider:
Tip #1: The cover. It is important that you use heavy paper for your catalog. It is the first thing that people will see of your catalog. This makes it important to design the cover creatively so when people see it they will be encouraged to take a look through the pages inside.
With a heavy paper stock, your catalog is likely to last longer. This will give you a professional image and tell people what you are a credible business. Ask your printer the best type of paper to use in your material.
Tip #2: The inside pages should likewise be printed from high quality paper. You can get away with a low grade paper but make sure it wouldn’t affect the impression you convey to your customers and prospects. Remember that the heavy the paper, the more you will spend for printing. If your budget doesn’t allow for heavy paper, look for a more cost effective alternative. But if you have enough money, always go for heavy paper.
Tip #3: It’s important that your catalogs are vibrant and eye-catching. To do this, you need to pick the right colors to use in your materials. The colors you pick should be relevant to the message and the image you want to convey. Both the cover and the inside pages should be printed in full color. If you can’t afford full color printing, you can go for two or four color printing. There are plenty of colors to choose from. It would help understand the meaning of each color first to pick the best for your business.
Tip #4: Binding. It’s important that each page of your catalog templates is stitched together so they will hold on together. When they reach target customers, they have to be in neat condition. Saddle stitching will make sure that each page is attached together even after passing through several hands.
Tip #5: Content. It’s important that make your content simple and short. Don’t use fancy words and too many texts as this only make it hard for people to understand your message. Remember you only need to include a short description of each product so focus on short and simple sentences. Be straight to the point and you can be sure to get positive response at once.
Tip #6: Finding the right printer. To ensure that your catalogs look impressive and professional, you need to make sure you find the right printing company. There are plenty of printers in the market today. You might want to start your search online. If you are short on budget, there are plenty of print shops online that offers discounts and affordable printing services.
Ask the printer for samples of their print job to see if the quality of their job fits your requirement. They can even help you design your materials to ensure you come up with the perfect image. If you want to use templates, there are surely several templates they have on their web site. You simply have to pick the best design fit to your message.
For more easy and useful ideas on how to make unique and winning print materials to start up your marketing campaign, visit: catalog printing.
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