Frequent reminders are very important! We make our initial pitch and then we have to go back a few times to get someone to make a solid decision. We must re-state our benefits quite a few times, reminding people politely, just what's in it for them, if they say yes to us.
You could say we're in the reminder business. We always need a reason to go back just one more time. We need a brand new answer to the "Why should I listen to you for each and every return email or phone call?"
Creative selling demands creating new reasons, new angles, new ways of looking at things. Our life in sales would be easy if all we had to do, was tell people what we're all about. It takes a lot more than bragging to make enough money to pay our bills. Reminders should have real substance and offer a lot to the person you are reminding. Small talk won't do the job.
Ask yourselves these questions:
In our fast paced world, decisions are still made at turtle speed. Creating some sense of urgency is definitely our job. Always remain positive, then lead them through the proposition hoops, one more time. You must try to determine what the deal stopper might be. If it's just indecision, as it usually is, remind them of all the good things that you both can make happen together. Be sincere but firm. When friends help friends, everyone wins!
Been Hiding Your e-Light Under a Bushel Basket?
... © Bill Vannot - All Rights Reserved ... sales, do you realize that modesty will get you ... you like to eat, feed your family andArticles - Infinite Business Promotion!
Do you realize that articles can do a lot for your business?What Do People Really Need?
People need a nudge..... a Reminder....or reminders, withan "s". Most people need to be reminded more often thanthey need to be informed.