I just found a stack of business cards hiding under some paperson my desk. I had ... them at a recent ... to add to the ... list for my free ... (I inv
I just found a stack of business cards hiding under some papers
on my desk. I had collected them at a recent speaker's
convention to add to the distribution list for my free electronic
newsletter. (I invite you to sign up for it at
http://www.TheStayAtHomeCEO.com )
I was amazed at how little I remembered about these people! I
met them, shook their hands, and conversed with them; but all I
have to remember them by is that little piece of card stock. It
suddenly dawned on me that those business cards have a big job to
do. Is yours doing a good job?
Whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not, people
get an impression of you just by the card you give them. Oh,
sure, many times you've already met them face to face (like I did
at the convention) before you even whip out that card, and a
first impression has been made, but what about when the card
appears three weeks later and they say "Who WAS this?" What do
they do?
First, the quality of the card speaks volumes about you. Not
only the quality of the paper, but the print quality as well.
Flimsy cards that look like they were made on a copier leave an
impression all right; a bad one.
Colors/patterns/designs: do they convey an image that you want
to have? Professional? Fun loving? Dignified?
What is on the card is important too. Here are just a few things
that your business card has to include. (Some are obvious, some
are not.)
Who you are and how to get in touch. Duh! Remember the fax
number and, if you have one, toll-free number. In fact, if
you do have a toll-free number, project class and good service
by showing it as your only voice number. Whatever phone
number you show, "bold" it so it stands out.
What you do. A job title is nice, but does it really convey
what function you perform and what your responsibilities are?
What your company does. "ABC Flowers" tells a little about
what you do, but you need to add something like "Specializing
in birthday arrangements". "ABC & Associates" doesn't say
ANYthing about what you do; is that a consulting firm? If so,
what kind? Computer? Legal? Erosion control?
Products and services. Briefly list some of what you or your
company offers. Brevity is key; just say enough to get them
to ask for more information.
Internet information. Don't forget your web address and
e-mail address, too. (WHAT? You don't have web or e-mail
That's a lot of stuff to get onto a 2" x 3 1/2" card, isn't it?
Don't forget the back of the card, too! That's a lot of "real
estate" which is often wasted, and the extra cost is minimal.
Your card does have a big job to do; it's cheap, front-line
advertising. Make the most of it!
Stuff Happens
Stuff happens. You can't always be perfect, and ... expect you to be, but when ... goes wrong youhave a great ... to learn a number of ... about people in general aCoupons, Coupons, Coupons
Coupons can be a great way to promote, ... and ... ... They can be used to entice new ... ... ... ... your ... getting them to come inThe Power of Attitude in Business and Life
Attitude serves as the bedrock of both personal and professional realms, much like the foundation underpinning a building. No matter how well-constructed or maintained a structure is, it will crumble without a solid base. Similarly, in the journey of entrepreneurship or life in general, attitude shapes how one navigates challenges and triumphs, ultimately influencing overall success. This article delves into the critical role of attitude, offering insights and actionable advice to harness its potential for achieving personal and business goals.