A well written thank you card showing your gratitude will actually build three essential areas in marketing.
The mail just got in. You took it from the mail box and started sifting through it. There’s basically nothing new in it. Just pile of bills after bills. But then at the bottom something caught your attention—a colorful envelope with your address handwritten at the back. At first, you though it was from a friend or family, but the return address is not familiar to you. It looks like from the shoe store where you bought a pair just last week.
When you opened the envelope, the message was a sweet and simple thank you. Now, that’s something you don’t expect from a business. That is surely the first time you received a thank you card from someone. The feeling is great and uplifting, and you are seriously considering buying from them again.
It’s really quite unusual to receive thank you cards from businesses. But these simple cards are an effective way of reaching out to customers and building good relationships with them. Keep in mind that people are more responsive when they are appreciated, and a simple thank you note will keep them interested in your business.
A well written card showing your gratitude will actually build three essential areas in marketing:
o The feeling of being close to the recipient. A simple thank you will make your customers feel that they know you. As your thank you card looks and feels unique, people will easily set you apart from your competitions.
o It strengthens good feelings. Thanking your customers for simply buying your product or answering your survey will create good feelings, making your customers lean towards you.
o It builds trust. Your note will show your customers that you take the time to appreciate them. In return, they will trust you more and be compelled to buy from your again.
If you desire to maintain your old contacts, a simple thank you note will surely help you achieve that. An honestly written note will seal your relationship with your customers. It is important though that you create the right design to produce the right feeling that you want your customers to feel. To do this, you need to take time in designing your cards and writing your note.
There are also some factors you need to know and incorporate in your thank you cards. They are the following:
• A strong and clear opening. The introduction should be clear and direct to the point. It is a thank you note, after all, so you don’t need a lot of introduction. Your purpose is to make your customers feel good and appreciated, so beating around the bush is not necessary.
• Put the complete details. As much as possible you need to put your contact details such as your full name, business name, and the purpose for writing the thank you card.
• Highlight something that will make your customers feel special and encourage them to hand your note some place special.
Thank you may be one of the often neglected words, but when they are uttered they can create a whole new feeling and scenario. It doesn’t take a lot to show your appreciation to your customers. If you do send your appreciation to them, they know that their perseverance is appreciated, and they are likely to stay loyal to you.
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