Spend A Few Bucks For Free Advertising
Just about everyone has a commercial, whether it is on radio or television, that they simply can't stand. The channel is changed and the message isn't received. If you want to promote your business, stay away from being annoying and make your customers remember you in a positive way. It isn't hard, just give them something for free and they will remember you for a long time along with their friends.
Just about everyone has a commercial,

whether it is on radio or television, that they simply can't stand. The channel is changed and the message isn't received. If you want to promote your business, stay away from being annoying and make your customers remember you in a positive way. It isn't hard, just give them something for free and they will remember you for a long time along with their friends.
Just give the public what they want. It doesn't cost much and it is excellent advertising. There are tons of items that can be imprinted with your logo that will be used by your potential customer, but also seen by hundreds of other potential customers. It's summer time, and beach items like beer coolies and Frisbees with your logo on it will be recognized by a lot of future customers.
Customers absolutely love getting things for free. They are happy to receive a simple key chain or pen. It will get people all excited if you give them a t-shirt or hat. Any time of year is good for giveaway items. When times are lean or rich, it will make an impression on people to get new stuff that they don't have to pay for.
Advertising can be very annoying to people. There are always pictures and images in your face and slogans that you hear over and over. All of this gets really old sometimes. That is one of the big appeal of free giveaway items that have an advertising logo. Free items are never annoying. If someone doesn't want something then they simply don't take it. A nice free item will either sit there or get used and get exposure at the same time.
Make it easy on your customers by giving them something fun to use rather than something that is forced down your throat. Think of your favorite restaurant. Chances are they sell T-shirts with their logo on it. It's free advertising at a cost to the customer. Make it better by giving things away for free. You will make up for the expense with free advertising.