The Gentle Message Of Promotional Products
If you want a good way to advertise then try promotional merchandise. There is always the option of other avenues. But are they the best thing for you...
If you want a good way to advertise then try promotional merchandise. There is always the option of other avenues. But are they the best thing for your company? If you do a TV spot there is a lot of hassle involved. You have to figure out what you want to say,

and the best way to say it. Sure you could hire a company to make the commercial but there are still a whole load of decisions that could put you way over budget. Just buying the time to air the ad is crazy pricey alone. When you use merchandise you can actually give a person something to hold in their hand with your logo on the side.
Why it Works. Advertisements try to get something from people; namely, their patronage or their support. Promotional merchandise, on the other hand, gives something to people that will help or enhance their daily lives. Giving away practical items that bear the insignia of your organization is a great way to ensure that you spread your message in a way that is not an imposition on the hearers.
If you want your promo giveaways to stay put in the hands and homes of recipients then make sure they are useful in some way. Silly stuff will get tossed and usually pretty fast too. People are becoming more conscious of how clutter crowds their lives. If there is loads of useless stuff laying around then your mind feels crowded too. It is hip now to think of ways to give yourself some peace. So don't add stuff to someones trash pile. Give something like chocolate inside of a nice coffee mug that has you logo on the outside. They will soak up the instant joy of the candy then use the cup for the daily warmth of coffee.
Where to Do it? If you are interested in purchasing promotional merchandise to distribute to the public, you may need to look no further than your computer screen. Several online companies are dedicated to producing high quality merchandise, which bears your organizations logo or message.
If you find an online company that looks like it will work for you then great! There are places that take care of the entire process. From product to imprint, then on to delivery, and with some nice volume discounts. The fun part is making the choices of how you want something marked. There are so many nifty ways to get colorful. You can look on design websites or just hunt for cool ideas. You would be surprised what comes up on the web when you are creatively searching for ideas. It will also give your brain a nice break from the monotony of work.