"The World Wide Marketplace"

Dec 30


Jane Fulton

Jane Fulton

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"The World Wide ... ... of you have asked about ... outside ofthe ... To be ... you "must" ... It's time ... to search for thetools that you nee


"The World Wide Marketplace"

Some of you have asked about marketing outside of
the internet. To be effective,"The World Wide Marketplace" Articles you "must" have
tools. It's time consuming to search for the
tools that you need. Here are some tools that I
use and have found them to be effective:

1) I had business cards printed up "Free" and I
place one in every piece of correspondence I mail
out. The quality of these cards really are
impressive! Get your business cards free here:
http://janes-place.com/marketing.htm Click on
the small banner on the navigation bar. It says
Free Business Cards.

2) I also had return labels printed up with my
name, address and URL, at the same place I got my
business cards. Every time I mail a letter, they
are exposed to my URL. Eventually it will be
burned in their minds.

3) Since the printing on labels are so small, I
had a self-inking stamp printed up and stamp
every piece of mail that goes out of this house.
Even the postal people can see this!

4) I read ezines. Every article you read is the
way that person does things. You take what you
can use from the article and leave the rest.

5) I download a lot of ebooks and read them! A
lot of people download ebooks, but never read
them. Say you don't have time? I use to say that
too! I now print them out and read them when I am
waiting to see the doctor, dentist, anyplace
where I have to wait. I always have a highlighter
in my purse and highlight information that I find
useful. That way later, I don't have to read the
whole article again to find the information I'm
looking for. You will find a lot of good ebooks at
janes-place: http://janes-place.com/Downloads.htm
http://janes-place.com/more_downloads.htm I am
working right now to get some more up to help
with your marketing efforts. Download these
ebooks and read them! They are there to help you!

6) I also jot down notes in the margin, like "try
this", or "check this out". That way, when I'm
ready to use the information in the ebook, I go
thru my notes.

7) When I go shopping, I strike up conversations
with fellow shoppers. I "always" get around to
asking the question, "Do you have a computer?"
Nine times out of ten, the answer is, "Yes". I
reach into my purse, pull out one of my business
cards and give them one. I invite them to visit
my site and sign-up for my newsletters.

8) When I call another business, or they call me,
I tell them about my site. For example, a lady
called me the other day to get me to sign-up for
MCI Long Distance service for my phone. I
immediately brought up the subject of my internet
business. As we talked, I found out that she was
a new user of the internet and her mother made
dolls that she wanted to put on the internet. I
told her that I had a solution for both of them.
She needed to sign-up for Newbie & Affiliate SOS
Newsletter, to learn more about the internet and
her mother could go to my site and place a free
classified ad for her doll business and that
there were a lot of other "Free Marketing Tools"
on my site for her to use. Guess what? I just
acquired two new customers and friends.

9) Everyone that I encounter in everyday life is
a potential customer! They may not visit today or
tomorrow, but they know that my site exists,
because I told them about it! Have you ever taken
someone's card, put it in your wallet or on top
of a table, then forgot about it? You happen to
see it again while cleaning out your wallet or
the table. You think, "Oh, I forgot all about
this!". You then recall the conversation that
took place when you received the card and realize
that this is something that you need to do or
want to do? I have and a lot of other people do
the same thing.

10) Find local places on the internet to
advertise. For example, we have a site for the
city where I live. I have placed a classified ad
to let everyone in my city know that my site
exists and I'm local. This makes people willing
to do business with you. You are local! They
somehow "feel safer", knowing that you live close

11) I have placed an ad in our local
newspaper. There are a lot of new people buying
computers that can benefit from my "newbie tips"
in Newbie & Affiliate SOS Newsletter, but they
can't benefit from my newsletter, if they don't
know about it!

12) We have a lot of local swap meets in our
town. I visit them and pass out flyers. I stand
by the front gate and pass them out as customers
enter. Yes, some throw them away, but some will
read them and use them. I have a relative that
works one of the local swap meets. I have printed
up flyers and he sits them on a table with a
large FREE Take One! sign in front of them.

There is a whole world to get your message to out
there. Why just concentrate just on the internet?

I also advertise my ink affiliate locally.
Everyone needs printer ink and would love to
save money on it! I have to let them know that a
local internet user uses the ink and has a site
that they can order it from.

I have printed up flyers and distribute
them locally, in offices, businesses, any place
that will allow me to place them in their

The world is a huge Marketplace. Learn to use it
to your advantage.