~~My First ... in A Faraway Land~~ by: Jane Fulton When I first came on the net, I was ... It was as if I had traveled to afaraway land and everyone spoke a ... I couldn'
~~My First Experience in A Faraway Land~~
by: Jane Fulton
When I first came on the net, I was so
bewildered! It was as if I had traveled to a
faraway land and everyone spoke a foreign
language. I couldn't understand them and they
couldn't understand me. When I asked for
directions, it didn't help. I didn't understand
enough of the language to communicate properly,
or to understand the directions. I felt so
Well, you either have to learn enough of the
language to manage or go home. Now that you are
faced with that decision, you either take the
easy way out and go home, or find the resources
to help you survive. I became so frustrated, that
I almost took the easy way out and went home more
than once. Then I was blessed to read the right
ad and find the help and support I needed. My
greatest supporter was Brenda Ruple
http://www.aunt-b.bigstep.com When I
needed to cry, she was there, when I needed to
yell, she was there.........I don't know what I
would have done without her support!
I decided that I wanted a website done my way.
Everyone was telling me how easy it was! I
didn't need to know HTML. I didn't realize how
difficult it would be until I got started. I had
picked up some of the 'lingo', so I felt that I
could handle this! WRONG! There were days I
emailed question after question to my host. I was
sure that he was getting sick of me asking so
many questions. There were days I cried and said
"Why can't I get this?" There were even days I
did nothing. I took a break!
I would ask questions and the answer I got was no
clearer than the wizards (you know those little
box things that's suppose to guide you through
what you're doing step by step?). I soon found
out that the wizards speak that foreign language
too! I had to read and search out every tutitoral
I could find. Sometimes they didn't help. I would
go to a quite place and think it through.
Sometimes my conclusions were right, sometimes
they weren't, but I was determined not to give
Everyone needs help! I would like to give back
the help that was given to me and I would like
to thank the people who were there for me:
My Sponsor: GARY McLEOD--Check out his website
at: http://www.mack49.com
My webhost: DAN--Check out his quality hosting
at: http://www.linkopp.com
MARIE: she was a gem when it came to publishing
this newsletter. Check out her ezine resources
at: http://www.writead.com she has FREE
templates for an ezine and she even has a page
just for newbies. Her information is invaluable!
EILEEN RODRIGUEZ- http://www.sunsetopps.com
Publisher of: Sunset Opps
I am sincere when I say that this newsletter is
dedicated to helping the newbie and affiliate.
Affiliate programs are what us newbies usually
get involved in first (like getting our feet
It takes years for most to be fluent in a new
language. The internet is no different!
When I ask you to send me your questions. I mean
it! If I don't have the answer, I will tap on my
resources, or find out for you, or give you the
information to do the research yourself. I'm by
no means a 'seasoned internet guru', but am
willing to share what I know. When we find the
answer together, we both learn.
Any subjects you would like addressed in this
newsletter, let me know. Let's learn together
and make this the best newsletter it can be!
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