To Sell Your Product, Get The Whole Kit And Caboodle
Remember the day when Nike was just another shoe? It wasn't that long ago. They the company started marketing the signature Swoosh logo. Pretty simple, right? Nike is now a billion dollar company and just about everyone knows that when they see the Swoosh, that means Nike.
Remember the day when Nike was just another shoe? It wasn't that long ago. They the company started marketing the signature Swoosh logo. Pretty simple,

right? Nike is now a billion dollar company and just about everyone knows that when they see the Swoosh, that means Nike. How does that help your business? It shows what the power of a simple logo can do. Nike puts its logos on shoes, shirts golf balls and dozens of other things. You can do the same by putting your logo on personal care kits that can be used on a daily basis by all of your clients, all of whom can wake up every day seeing your logo. Exposure worked for Nike; it can work for you.
Let's talk about a salon or any type of hair care service. They want their customers to come back, but their customers pass dozens of different hair care service every day during their commute home and to work. What if your customers had a hair care set, or even a small manicure set, that had your logo on it and maybe even your phone number and address? The kits are very inexpensive and will usually be used by your clients every morning or night. They will remember your logo and your business. You can have them made in soft or hard plastic cases in any color. Everyone remembers his or her last great haircut or manicure.
There is a great variety of small first aid kits that would work well coming from many different companies. Some of these are as simple as a Band-Aid dispensers to snake bite kits. Any small store that borders a national park would be smart to carry some of these with their own store logo. They also work well for places that sell camping gear or medical offices. It makes sense to give someone a kit work bites and stings if they might be taking a canoeing trip or going camping. The logo will also be a good way for them to remember to revisit your store or office at some time.
Toothbrush kits aren't only for dentists. Nightclub owners can promote their clubs by simply offering a kit for their guests. After a night of drinking, some toothpaste and a toothbrush usually comes in handy and the logo on the kit will certainly remind them of the time they had that night. They can also be kept in a basket next to a batch of promotional condoms with your logo on them. You can pick your own colors and logos.
There are so many other ways to promote your company through small and inexpensive kits with your logo on them. Check out the Internet because it only takes a simple search to find out what's best, but remember that whether it's a personal care kit, a toothbrush kit, a manicure set, or a shoeshine kit, it's a really inexpensive way to promote your product.