Using Inflatable Balloons At Your Promotional Event

Jun 18


Jonathan Hostetler

Jonathan Hostetler

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One of the best tools to draw people to your promotional event is also one of the cheapest: inflatable balloons. The reason why balloons draw people in is because they represent a subconscious appeal to people of all ages that they associate with fun.

Promotional events have almost become a dime a dozen. While they are a great way to draw people in to your charity or sale with so many different types of places staging promotional events these days,Using Inflatable Balloons At Your Promotional Event Articles you need something eye catching to make people stop and actually take the time to see what your event is all about. One of the best tools to draw people to your promotional event is also one of the cheapest: inflatable balloons. Why Balloons Work The reason why balloons draw people in is because they represent a subconscious appeal to people of all ages that they associate with fun. This is probably due in large part because of all the circus, zoos, and parties and other exciting and fun events we attended as children always had balloons galore. These bright colorful latex or metallic spheres bobbing around somehow seems to grab attention and draw people in which is exactly what your business or non-profit event wants to do. What Types of Events Do Inflatable Balloons Work To Promote? The simple truth is that inflatable balloons can be used to promote almost anything from a new product line, to a grand opening of a business, to charity events of various kinds. Of course, the way inflatable balloons will be used to promote different events will vary depending on the purpose of the event and how the event is set up. For example, a charity auction may use simple round balloons placed on the more expensive items for auction to gain people's attention to those items, While a dinner and dance benefit for the American Heart Association may use small heart shaped balloons as part of their decorations and larger balloons in the initial advertising. What is the Most Effective Way to use Promotional Balloons? Here again the most effective way to use promotional balloons for one event will be different from what will be effective for another event. One great way to use promotional balloons for almost any event is as advertising itself. Purchasing large 9 inch inflatable balloon and having your event, the day, time, and location of the event printed on the balloons and handing them out will both inform and draw people to the event. It has been proven that most people are more likely to read the advertising on balloons than they are to read fliers or brochures. If you want to promote the opening of a new business then a large balloon in a shape that represents your business often works extremely well. For example, a new dog grooming or pet sitting business that is just opening might want to fly an extremely large inflatable balloon shaped like a dog or a cat over their business, while a new candle shop might want a few giant candle shaped balloons to attract attention. Stores promoting new products often use balloons to attract attention to the isle and section where the new product is located, while food stores often have tables with samples of a new product with large simple round balloons flying above it to draw customers' attention. There are several places online where you can purchase large inflatable balloons printed with your company's name or logo. Such places typically carry almost any shape you may want for your promotional campaign.