Website Traffic Builders
Promotional products are a great way to advertise any type of business, including a website.
When you think about promotional products,

you might usually think about using them in a brick and mortar type business where the customers are right there in front of you. There are many great ways to use promotional items to create new business and attract repeat business as well.
The best way of providing internet customers with promotional items is to have a system that allows you to know who gets what type of promotional product. It is an excellent idea to gradually provide customers with better promotional products as they continue to order with you. For instance:
Internet businesses and websites can develop recognition by distributing bumper stickers. Hand them out to all of your friends, neighbors and family, as well as to your customers upon their first purchase. There is nothing wrong with having others promote your business for you. If they are satisfied customers, they will gladly do it. Then, upon repeat orders you can provide them with other valuable items like promotional pens or magnets. It is a good idea to take advantage of these inexpensive marketing tools because the will be visible to the customer repeatedly and will remind them of your services.
Depending on your business you can branch to other promotional items such as promotional sports bottles, carry bags, disposable cameras, coffee mugs and other items that you might envision your customers using. No matter what promotional items you choose, you can be sure that people love to get great items for free with their purchases and they will surely appreciate these great items and will use them again and again helping to further promote your business.
When making a selection, be sure to choose good quality items that can be used repeatedly. Be sure that the website is displayed prominently on the item as a reminder and for of advertisement. The www is also important to let others know what type of business you have.