What to Do if Your Are Driving During a Flood
Highway dips, bridges, and low areas should be look out when flood happens and even two feet of water will carry away automobiles.
Do not attempt to cross flowing streams. If the areas are flooded escape that area,

especially those areas that always experienced flood. People attempting to drive through water, or people playing in high water are most of the reason of unexpected death. Without knowing the depth of water level it may result that the roadbed washed out under water and probably it might cause stranded or trapped. If flood water may rise quickly, the engine may stall, the vehicle engulf and the occupants and is likely sweep them away. Highway dips, bridges, and low areas should be look out when flood happens and even two feet of water will carry away automobiles.When flood water rapidly rising and you are driving, find another way to escape and change location where the ground is high and away from creeks, rivers, storm drains and streams. And if your way is blocked by waters or barricades again find another route. Barricades is a protection for people from unsafe road that made by the local officials and driving around them can be serious risk. If you can safely get out, leave your vehicle immediately and climb to a higher ground if it is surrounded by water or the engine stalls. The attempts to move stalled vehicles is resulting of many deaths. The water's momentum will be transferred to the car when a vehicle stalls in the water. There are about 500 pounds on the average automobile when the lateral force of a foot of water moving at 10 miles per hour. Therefore, for every foot that water rises up the side of a car, it displaces 1,500 pounds of the car's weight and for these there is a tendency that the car will float. So, any car will virtually float if two feet of water moving at 10 miles per hour. Upon leaving their vehicles, many persons swept away by flood waters, which are later found without much damage. Be careful in abandoning your vehicle, and look for an opportunity to move away quickly and safely to higher ground.Building damage may have occurred where you least expect it, watch carefully your steps and when you enter buildings use intense caution. The most common injury after disaster is cut feet, so you must wear well made shoes.Battery-powered lighting is the safest and easiest, preventing fire hazard for the user, occupants, and building. So, use battery-powered lanterns or flashlights when examining buildings.To make sure that the building is not in danger of collapsing examine first the walls, floors, doors, staircases, and windows.Cracks and damage buildings is not fit to be lived in, therefore, examine the foundations if there is cracks or other damages. If there may be broken or leaking gas lines, flooded electrical circuits, or submerged furnaces or electrical appliances, flammable or explosive materials may travel from upstream you should look for fire hazards. Fire is the most frequent hazard following floods.Check gas leaks. Open a window and quickly leave the building if you smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise. if you can Turn off the gas at the outside main device that controls the liquid flow and call the gas company from a neighbor's home. If you turn off the gas for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional.Look for electrical system damage. Turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker, if you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell burning insulation. Call an electrician first for advice, if you have to step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker. Checked electrical equipment and dried before being returned to service.Check for sewage and waterline damage. Avoid using the toilets and call a plumber, if you suspect sewage lines are damaged. Contact the water company and avoid using water from the tap, if water pipes are damaged. Undamaged water heaters or by melting ice cubes is a way that you can obtain safe water.Be careful for animals, particularly the poisonous snake and other animals, that may come in buildings through flood waters. Use a stick to poke through debris. More of this important topic, you may visit this site:floods, flood auckland, flood restoration