Impact on Children and Families
Psychological and physical health is the risks that carry the floods
Following the 1972 Buffalo Creek Flood in Logan County,

WV, much of the emotional impact of floods are conducted. There are 125 died and 4,000 lost their homes in a town of 5,000 residents. Surveyed result that the vast majority of family members continued to struggle with severe psychological symptoms up to two years after the flood. Children may witness anxiety and fear in usually confident parents and caregivers when floods occur. They may see adults' best efforts fail to protect their homes. They may not understand why parents must dispose of contaminated belongings during the clean-up process; and the children may lose pets, cherished memorabilia, and toys. The horror of seeing severely injured people or dead bodies they may also experience. There is a difficulty in the side of adults to gauge the emotional impact of floods on children because children often hide their symptoms to avoid worrying them.There may be a spectrum of psychological responses as with other natural disasters. If the individuals support systems fail, they lack medications, and their routine is destabilized their condition with preexisting emotional and behavioral problems may be exacerbated. The loss of community infrastructure, of home or employment, or of family or friends are the following exposure to pervasive stresses resulting of individuals chronic emotional and behavioral problems. In addition, delay recovery of an individual or family is a result of emotional exhaustion and physical wear and tear. Increase in family dysfunction or a risk of abuse may lead to a severe disruption and stress that floods can cause in a household. During which individuals will suddenly relive all the emotions, fears, thoughts, and perceptions they initially had at the time of the flood, children and adults frequently experience traumatic reminders. Flood watches and warnings, the sudden onset of dark clouds, bolts of lightning, thunder, and rain are typical traumatic reminders.More? Click Here: flood auckland city