I'm sure you've seen articles before stating some really great reasons to learn Spanish. But I think a lot of them are wrong. Heres my take on why you should learn Spanish.
1. It's easy. So you want to learn a language, but you don't want it to be too hard? Then Spanish is for you. It shares a lot of the same vocabulary, which means you don't have to spend hours drilling words into your head. It is a mostly phonetic alphabet too. For English speakers, the pronunciation isn't a worry, so theres another worry gone. And for the Einsteins out there, since Spanish is a romance language, it means that you don't have to learn a new alphabet! How great is that?
2. Business. As Spanish establishes itself as one of the most popular languages in North America, the employment and business opportunities also increase. Having a second language looks more and more impressive on a resume and being able to sell to Spanish speaking people means that your market has just increased.
3. Become sexier. Thats right, a recent online poll stated that Spanish is one of the most attractive accents, for both men and women. So if you're struggling to find a date, then perhaps you should forget about those bicep curls and or breast implants, Spanish is your key!
4. Get to know that "quiet" guy down the street. Got some new neighbours who seem awfully quiet? Well, it's not that they're quiet, they just don't speak English dummy! With the Spanish speaking population of the United States at over 30 million, having some "quiet guys" move in down the road is a definite possibility. So take the initiative and learn Spanish, that guy down the street will thank you for it.
5. Have more fun travelling. Sure, speaking Spanish in Spanish speaking countries isn't a must. You can get around speaking English. But trust me when I say you will have so much more fun if you can speak even a little Spanish. Just the fact that you're trying will put you head and shoulders above the average westerner. Get ready for free drinks, better advice and invitations to places not normally frequented by tourists. It really can make or break your trip.
I hope after reading this article that you're all pumped about learning Spanish. It really is a fantastic journey and one that you'll be grateful for.