Ancient Tarot

Jun 7


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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For centuries the tarot has been one of the tools in fortune telling since the time of its conceptualization in the medieval period in ancient Europe in the middle of the 14th century. It tells the tale of a life.


For centuries the tarot has been one of the tools in fortune telling since the time of its conceptualization in the medieval period in ancient Europe in the middle of the 14th century. From then on it has been used as one of the many types of entertainment in the royal courts,Ancient Tarot Articles royal functions and gypsy gatherings.

Here are the major tarot reading spreads:


This is a tarot card reading arrangement that consist of ten locations in a triangular placement. It includes four files that are arranged in one, two, three, and four sites in each line. It is regarded as a transcendent Pythagorean sign that epitomizes four constituents, such as: earth, air, water and fire.

Planetary Spread

This is a perfect outline of eleven cards in the set up, with the first card in the center of the circle sitting side by side by the tenth card, and with the 11th card sitting clockwise behind. This set up symbolizes the planetary arrangement of our solar system, which consist of the sun, moon, and the nine known planets.

Relationship Spread 

In finding out the present set up of a relationship is to get a reading through this spread. This arrangement consists of seven cards. The first card is placed on the top most left side, and is being interpreted as you. The second card will be placed on the far right, is your partner. A third card is positioned under the first card will be interpreted as your “feelings” or emotions towards your partner. The fourth card will be placed in the center of the whole spread, and it represents the current status quo of a relationship. The fifth card is the entity, force or an obstacle that stands in the middle of a bond.