Too often people write off ... as just another page to turn in the book of life. There is some truth in that, but ... should be taken a bit more ... After all, this is the end of a
Too often people write off break-ups as just another page to turn in the book of life. There is some truth in that, but break-ups should be taken a bit more seriously. After all, this is the end of a relationship. And this loss can be as painful as losing a loved one in death. To heal it takes time, self-care, and conscious processing of your emotions. It is vital that you allow this healing process to occur, and take advantage of the situation to treat yourself with gentleness and nurturing.
Here are some other things to keep in mind during this transformative time:
· Avoid any big decisions.
· Go into the pain and the feelings. There is no way out but
to get through it...and you will!
· Take long aromatherapy baths with appropriate holistic
blends. See recipes below.
· Cry when you need to. Don't let others tell you to just
get over it.
· Be VERY selfish.
· Surround yourself with positive and happy people.
· Dare to ask for a lot of hugs.
· Get a dog or cat, or cuddle with the ones you have.
· Write really awful, bitchy, letters to your ex. Write
everything you would love to say. Burn them in the sink.
Run the water to make it go away.
· Love yourself. Look in the mirror as often as you can and
say wonderful things about yourself aloud.
· Write your way through the feelings.
· Connect with other people who understand and can relate:
friends, counselors, message boards on websites, etc.
· Have a healthy lifestyle: eat well, exercise (at least get
some fresh air on the beach, at the park, etc.).
· Nourish your soul with beauty: watch movies, read poetry,
go to museums.
· Meditate.
· Stay alone and appreciate the tranquility of your
There's no rule for how long the pain of a heartbreak will last. It may take weeks, months or even years. But using the following special aromatherapy blend and ritual will soothe your heart, nurture your wounded soul, and envelop you in comfort. I recommend following this bath ritual every night until you feel the pain has faded.
Your Daily Bath Ritual to Ease Your Broken Heart
Prepare your aromatherapy blend by adding the following essential oils to a 10-oz bottle and filling with organic vegetable oil:
· 4 drops Rose Essential Oil
· 15 drops Sandalwood Oil
· 9 drops Lavender Oil
Order what you need to create the blend yourself:
Order it ready-to-use!
Run some warm water for your bath and add 10 drops of your aromatic blend. Light some candles and turn off the lights. Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Visualize yourself filled and surrounded by a pink color. Take a few deep breaths. Feel the color soothing your being. Say aloud, "I am love myself." Take a few deep breaths again. Soak for at least 15 minutes.
After you get out of the bath, pour a few drops of the aromatherapy blend into the palms of your hands and anoint your heart chakra (the seat of love: healing, grieving, acceptance),
and the third eye (integrating, detachment, connection with your Higher Self).
In Good Health,
Francoise Rapp
(c) Francoise Rapp, 2002. Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist, Francoise Rapp, shares her expertise in using essential oils to heal and revitalize body and mind at Highlights include aromatherapy classes, pure & organic essential oils, recipes and aromatic treatments for health and wellness, and a free weekly newsletter. Discover the power of aromatherapy today at!
Your March 2003 Aromatic Horoscope
(c) ... Rapp. ... is granted to ... ... in your print or ... ... ... youuse the article in its ... ... the brief ... all links andAromatherapy at Home: Beating the Cold Bug
It seems that nearly everyone I know has been either fighting or ... from a cold or flu these last few weeks. And many of my clients have been asking how ... oils can help them prevent orAromatherapy to Overcome Your Financial Fears
For many people, the menacing and ... ... of their ... state is enough to keep them awake at night. And it's no wonder, since we spend so much of our daily lives doing mental acco