Have you ever been in a situation wherein you could not seem to get rid of a bad feeling or a chain of negative events come your way? Let me show you seven strategies to help you pull yourself out of this negative energy state and bring you back into a positive energy state.
Meditation clears the mind of thoughts and lets you connect with your inner self – something you need to attract abundance and activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want. Affirmations on the other hand, strengthen your beliefs and help you live your life as though your desire has already been fulfilled.
Complete, Practical, Step-by-Step Attracting Abundance Blueprint
Let me discuss with you how meditation and affirmations can help you have, be or do anything and everything you want.
How Can Meditation Help?
An increase in self awareness is the biggest long-term benefit of meditation. It is kind of a conscious understanding of who and what you are and will help you to look at yourself and your experiences from a place of less attachment.
This conscious understanding can be very hard to put into words. It allows more space for you to correct what you are doing, to see opportunities, and just be a better person in general. You can meditate even for just 15 minutes a day. Wear comfortable clothing and sit in your room or wherever you won’t be distracted. Empty your mind of thoughts, breathe in, breathe out, and let go.
Start focusing your meditation on your goals. Imagining your goals as already completed and transmitting those feelings from that supercharged state of mind is the key. This type of meditation is one of the secrets to success and attracting abundance.
The Role of Affirmations
Affirmations increase your belief level and writing these down is a great way to manifest your desires quickly. Affirmations will work great if you believe and them and live your life with them. Your belief in your affirmations must be 100 percent.
Examples of affirmations are: “I believe money comes to me effortlessly,” “I believe that money is not a problem for me,” “I believe I can lose 10 pounds this year.” These affirmations are best written down to help remind you of your desires. Remember that writing is one of the most powerful ways to activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want.
For some people, affirmations do not work that well because they might be adding something to the end of it – subconsciously. Say, for example, if your affirmation is “I choose to lose 10 pounds.” You might be adding “but that would take lots of work…” to the end of it. Again, this happens subconsciously and beyond your conscious control so there’s no point beating yourself up over it.
To help you clear out these “tag ends,” EFT is a great solution. You can search for it if you’d like. This technique has been well-documented and a lot of people have attested to its efficacy. It not only gets rid of negative emotions but installs positive beliefs as well. EFT is a great way to get rid of those “tag ends” for you to freely create your affirmations for a record speed manifestation of your desires.
Meditations and Affirmations are powerful tools you can use to start attracting basically anything and everything you want to have. Attracting abundance can be easily done with the help of meditations and affirmations.
Law of Attraction and It's 2 Needed Elements to Attract Money
Understanding the concepts of the art of removing limiting values, feelings or habits using EFT will allow you to entice wealth at will. If you don’t understand how to do this, you’ll find yourself having difficulties to attract what you wish. You’ll probably get frustrated and go back to the gradual grind of forcing activity and discovering little to no results.Following the Perfect Guides to Law of Attraction
Understanding the concepts of the art of removing limiting values, feelings or habits using EFT will allow you to entice wealth at will. If you don’t understand how to do this, you’ll find yourself having difficulties to attract what you wish. You’ll probably get frustrated and go back to the gradual grind of forcing activity and discovering little to no results.How to Become Unconsciously Proficient in the Law of Attraction
Understanding the concepts of the art of removing limiting values, feelings or habits using EFT will allow you to entice wealth at will. If you don’t understand how to do this, you’ll find yourself having difficulties to attract what you wish. You’ll probably get frustrated and go back to the gradual grind of forcing activity and discovering little to no results.