Berfore you go out and buy the newest phone. Make sure you can afford the bill. do not let your cell phone bill put you in a money hole. Sometimes cheaper is better
Every two months or so you see a new commercial for a better phone. The better they get, the higher the cell phone billgoes. It is a great convenience having a power phone. Soon or later, having a major phone will be as much as a car payment. My Sister, her boy friend and roommate have the new Black Berry. They have a three way contract. Well, for some reason no one paid the bill one month. The next month they got a bill in the mail for eight hundred dollars, that is over two hundred and fifty dollars a piece. They already have credit issues as it is. Shame on you verizon for giving big phones to irresponsible people. How in the world are they going to get better credit? Cell Phone Bills are getting nuts. If you can afford it great, if you can not, do not get one. Is it really worth that much to have the hottest phone with all the accessories. I guess I kind of miss the good old days when the purpose of the phone was to talk. Technology is formatting its way into our lives. It is becoming a must have, when we do not need. How about getting a cheaper phone, a prepaid phone. My sister got one, it is only costing her fifty dollars a month with unlimited texting. That sounds a little bit more reasonable to me. If you have plenty of money to spend on a highly expensive phone bill, then great. If you can not afford it, stay away. Get something you can or, at least get another job. Get a cheaper phone. It makes me sad when cell phone bills are putting people in more debt. Your opportunities and general feelings are a lot better when you have better credit. Do not let a cell phone put you out.
Work at Home should you quit your job
If you want to work at home, make sure you have the right guide and the right format. Make sure you are consistent and have a steady income coming in before you decide to quit your job.Can Teens work at Home and make Money Online
There really is no age limit when it comes to working at home. As long as it dose not interfere with your homework, I would say go for it.Money problems I need help
Money Problems can take over a person and how they feel about everything. Money is a need but, Is it possible to adapt with less reliance on it. If only we could make it a hobby to save money.