Tarot cards usually come in packs, or decks as they are more popularly called, of 78 cards with each card depicting a different picture. Each picture has a different meaning for it.
Tarot cards usually come in packs, or decks as they are more popularly called, of 78 cards with each card depicting a different picture. Each picture has a different meaning to it. A standard pack has 22 cards called the major arcana. The remainder is divided into four suits of 14 cards each. These are called the minor arcana.
Today there are thousands of different decks. Some collect these decks purely from an artistic point of view since the artwork on many of them is exquisite. Artists have depicted every possible belief or interest in the cards. It would be hard to find a topic that does not have a corresponding deck. That is how many there are.
Some of the more famous ones are, in turns, beautiful, disturbing, arousing and calming, among a host of other emotions. Just like any other work of art, these images are capable of invoking a wide range of emotions depending on how they are viewed and where the viewer is, emotionally and psychologically, at that point in time.
The most famous deck is the Rider-Waite Tarot. This deck was drawn by Pamela Colman Smith who followed the instructions of A. E. Waite. The cards were published by the Rider Company. This deck is undeniably the most famous in the English speaking world.
The Latin speaking world leans more towards the Tarot of Marseilles. According to Michael Dummett’s research, this deck was invented in northern Italy during the 15th century. When the French conquered Milan, they took it back with them to southern France in 1499.
The Dragon Tarot uses images of dragons as its name would suggest. Dragons have long been considered as creatures of psychic ability and possessing the wisdom of the ages. This deck holds a lot of symbolism but I would not recommend it for anyone who is not an experienced reader. Sometimes the message does not come through so that a novice reader would be able to make it out clearly.
The Gaian Tarot is a beautiful deck that depicts women in various scenes of power with some sort of connection to Mother Earth, or Gaia as some call her, and as such very famous with Wiccans. The artwork in this deck is stunning. All the images show women in very strong positions and as such is a tribute to the strength found in a woman.
Another deck that is quite famous with Wiccans is the Motherpeace Tarot. Again, the images depicted all have a very strong matriarchal tendency. The images are beautifully portrayed with each woman depicted in a position of strength. The cards are round in shape as opposed to the normal rectangle as a tribute to the Earth.
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