A New Year’s Resolution: “A Time to be Kind to Me”
I encourage you begin this New Year by making a conscious decision to get in touch with the true self and place a high value on your self-worth. The truth is we tend to overestimate other people's abilities and mistakenly underestimate our own.
This is the time of the year when we start creating a new list of resolutions. After surviving another year of various challenges and life circumstances,

please give yourself an affectionate hug for making it through and for arriving at this moment in time, right where you are. I encourage you begin this New Year by making a conscious decision to get in touch with the true essence of who you are and to place a high value on your inner self-worth. The simple truth is we tend to overestimate other people's abilities and mistakenly underestimate our own. It is no secret that many of our personal successes and life's blessings are often blocked by our own negative self-perception. These negative thoughts can come from various sources, including unhealthy past experiences and other people's opinions. However, each one of us has the personal power to disregard any unkind belief and instead create good and positive affirmations which will uplift and empower our lives and self value system. It is age-old wisdom and sacred Biblical truth that, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing." Let's make this a time to embrace the wonderful human being that you were created to be, by setting the tone with a New Year's Resolution of self-kindness. These empowering commitments will help to bring self-assurance and personal joy into your life:
The Ten Commitments: "A Time to Be Kind Me" A time to stop beating up myself about my past experiences and past mistakes. A time to say I've made mistakes-and so what? A time to move forward. A time to stop condemning myself-to stop criticizing and belittling myself. A time to stop feeling insecure and bitter about what I don't have and to start counting my blessings for what I do have. A time to groom myself properly. A time to make myself as healthy, clean, and attractive as I can with what God has given me. A time to be truthful with my thoughts. A time to be bold and not be afraid of speaking my mind or showing my true feelings. A time to stop letting others take me for granted. A time to stop giving away my talents for free. A time to appreciate my creativity. A time to appreciate the wonderful body temple that God has blessed me with, even if others may fail to do so. A time to know that I am a unique gift from God. A time to know I am worthy of love. A time to let only nice, decent and healthy love match into my life. A time to know that my sexuality is valuable. A time to know that I'm important-and allow myself to love and be love. A time to get rid of all negative energies. A time to have only good friends who genuinely care about my well-being. A time to remove all the deadweight from my life. A time to say, "To heck with what others may think of me." A time to make me into what I think I should be. A time to commit to becoming the best I can be. A time to just smile and welcome joy into my life. A time to just be kind to me! Isn't this a great way to begin the New Year? This is your time now. Make sure you post these commitments where you can see them and say them until they become embedded as a natural part of you. Here's to the best and brightest New Year to you. Wishing you joyous cheers and laughter!