Environmentally Friendly and Decent
White wedding dress and pro-team are out of date nowadays when environmental protection has been significantly promoted. According to the reports by t...
White wedding dress and pro-team are out of date nowadays when environmental protection has been significantly promoted. According to the reports by the Reuters on 9th,

many new couples in the UK choose a "green wedding", including walking to church, planting their own flowers and wearing wedding dress made from environmentally friendly materials.As Reuters reported, environmental friendly characteristics of that "green wedding" are reflected in all aspects: the bride and groom can choose to use environmentally friendly materials wedding dress; guests would ride a bike to go to church to participate the ceremony; family members of the new couple would plant flowers, vegetable, food, etc which are used in the ceremony.A "Green wedding" planner told reporters of Reuters on 8th : "A year ago, environmental characteristics will not be reflected at the wedding ceremony. I am trying to inform an idea that to hold 'green weddings' do not mean wearing linen clothes or eat lentils, it can be both environmentally friendly and decent. " Culver's response has been widely advocated. He said that there are people booking venue, props and services for 'green weddings' every week It is green everywhere The 30-year-old bride Libby Milt also intends to do something for environmental awareness promotion through the wedding. "The wedding ceremony will be held in the community church. My bridesmaids and I will walk to church in the morning." she saidThe 30-year bride-to-be called Sarah Weber who locates in Australia plans to hold a ceremony in Australia and Britain and invite their relatives and friends from both sides respectively so that they do not need to rush across the ocean to attend the wedding ceremony.Moreover, someone adopts self-organized wedding ceremony. Rebecca, who locates in London, is going to get married in the summer of 2007. Her father prepares to cook salad with self-planted asparagus and tomatoes for 150 guests. In addition, he plans to plant flowers himself to decorate wedding site. With the strengthening of the concept of environmental protection, the traditional luxury wedding is out of date, more couples tend to choose "green wedding" and try their best to show environmentally friendly concept form everything at the wedding "I like home-grown flowers, so my father undertook the task of planting flowers for the wedding ceremony," she said. Rebecca’s fiancé Doran said that though some people thought that their choice is unacceptable, they still insisted on doing so. "For our plan, those who are not conscious of environment may make a fuss," Doran said, "But after they hear our explanation, they will support us. 100%" "Green Wedding" WebsiteGuests at the "green wedding" will present the "green gift", without the high price besides the bride and groom reflect the concept of environmental conservation. For example, they can donate the money for gifts purchasing to charity under the name of bride and groom. A survey shows that at present, this kind of donation archives £ 20,000 per month (about $ 39,000). In 2006, an Englishman named Katie Fei You established a Website for mutual communication and consultation between brides-to-be who plans to hold a “green ceremony”.Through this site, users can discuss any details of the wedding, including how to make confetti and recycled wedding invitations with organic materials, etc. Currently, registered users this web forum has reached 130. In addition, the in - Feiyou’s website also provides solutions for green wedding dresses which is the main event in preparations for a "green wedding". They also recommend a wedding dress shops which sells wedding dresses of environmentally friendly materials. "Of course, you can just buy the materials, then design your own green wedding dress," Feiyou said.