For 2013 Valentine's Day, What’s Your Preparation?
When facing the 2013 Valentine’s Day, something special for people related with my life has been done, well, what kind of preparations have you done for the day?
perhaps when I was writing this article, the area you reside just turn into the day, a day for lovers regardless of their age, sex and nationality. I live in the eastern Hemisphere, and my time zone has just run ahead of the day, which means Valentine’s Day for 2013 has been far away from us forever. Well, I can tell you secretly, I do not miss it at all by sleeping through it without any companionship! However, the moment when I woke up, I realized how stupid I was for not celebrating it for my parents, with my sincere; one of my best friends told me “if you frown at spending the day alone, why not having the day with your family?” Definitely, we can prepare the day in the way he said!Thank god, I still have time to make up for my Valentine’s Day! I was about to earn my funds to purchase my parents a pair of silver wedding gift! Well, coincidently my aunt ordered great quantity of cartful roses from Yun Nan province, the southwest China several days ago, but she was suffering some selling problems by taking advantage of the traditional marketing methods – waiting passively for the coming of customers in her small flowers shops! Why not selling flowers by finding the potential targeted customer by whatever methods that can work? Well, I can only figure out the traditional way, then use the traditional way to find people! Perhaps when all of us emerging ourselves in the trendy and so-called popular online trading, we still miss the way how we wandering our body and mind in the crowds. Perhaps standing in front of a stalls and Yelling for the selling of these roses is the best choose.Here we – I and my twelve-year-old brother, begin to yell at the Valentine’s night! Well, it did not work; we were shy to yell in front of so many people at the mall. Well, one can settle the shy problem, he is a good dancer while I can sing songs, then we comprised our yelling words, movements and expressions into a selling dance with strong rhythm, he danced while I sang, then a wandering guitarist who is still a university student join us to start the midnight madness! In fact it was hard to muster the resonance to have more people join us in such a conservative society. Our friends helped a lot! They hurried to our stalls to take part in our activity. Each of them held bunches of roses to be recommended. Some of the flowers were sent to the lovers that passed by without any charge, some of the flowers were sold at the price they want, and some of the followers were sent to be made into other forms of gifts in the main role or supporting role, we were dancing, singing and laughing by holding high the flowers. What out of our expectation is that our carts were empty and our flowers were sent or sold out! Checked the money box, funds we raised were enough for buying a simple pair of platinum rings for my parent’s silver wedding! How grateful for everyone that had helped me at the night!Well, the ending was not that wonderful as I have imagined, my parents blamed me for costing so much to purchasing such not that practical rings and bothering so many people, my little brighter told me secretly that most of the flowers were bought by my friends, not by the passengers who just passed by and took a casual look at our self-direction and self-carnival! Well, it was a little depressed, anyway, it was an unforgettable day that I got, we can spend our Valentine’s Day with our friends, and we can spend the day for our family, not for ourselves alone! When there is someone needs me in this kind of occasion, I would step out as well like my friends and my family did for me!