Growing up with a strong psychic ability can, by all accounts, be a very difficult process indeed.
Growing up with a strong psychic ability can, by all accounts, be a very difficult process. Unless these psychic children are very lucky and have someone close to them who understands what is happening to them it can be very confusing and become a big problem. Of course many people believe that all people, adults and children alike, are psychic, but for some people it manifests in a strong and powerful way from an early age. In these cases it can be difficult for the child to understand or control their ability in any meaningful way. In the worst cases it can cause, or be misunderstood as, behavioural problems. This can lead to problems with relationships and other issues at home and school.
There is help that can be given to psychic children. First of all it is quite easy to get information as there a number of books written on the subject which are easily obtainable. Some of these books give very practical advice on helping the child. Read as much as you can around the subject in order that you can help to support the child and explain what might be happening.
If a child says that he can see or hear things that other people do not it is possible that they are picking up on energy or spirits. Sometimes psychic children will have orbs around them that reveal themselves in photographs. If you have seen this phenomenon it is a possibility that these are the spirits that they can sometimes see or sense around them. Psychic sensitive children are in touch with the sane energies that adult psychics have learned to develop and control. When they come to someone unbidden it can obviously be a difficult situation, so it is really important to talk with them about the things they are experiencing to help put them into context.
For some people the ability gradually fades as they get older, and may reappear in later life. Many people who have had psychic experience or abilities have chosen to explore and develop them as adults. People like this can be ideal for helping psychic children as they have lived through a similar situation themselves. The important thing is to listen to the child and take them seriously. Try not to dismiss anything the child says because it sounds to out of the ordinary. A good example of this is how you can play along with the idea of an imaginary friend or support the belief in Santa and still treat the ideas and beliefs with respect. In fact some people have suggested that some so called imaginary friends are in some cases the child’s way of making sense of a spirit.
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