... ... YOU DECIDE ON, AHEAD OF TIME" ~Mrs. Jones, 92 yrs ... ... DAY~ This is ... the month we ... love, not only ... love, but more ...
Mrs. Jones, 92 yrs old
~HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY~ This is February, the month we celebrate love, not only relationship love, but more importantly, self love. Not everyone is in relationship, for those that are, I wish you the most Blessed Valentine's Day,,,ever :-)
For those that aren't, I wish you the most Blessed Valentine's Day,,,ever! This Valentine's Day (and month), celebrate the love you have in your life, friend(s), family, pet(s)~ celebrate loving yourself, and where you are right now. :-)
Grounding/centering, working on projects that have been put off in the household, or an extra 30 minutes
of work-out time is also a good use of the energy.If you are feeling anger or frustration, or find yourself around angry people, or situations, just send yourself a beam of love or give yourself a hug -) Weather might also be a tad bit bizarre, as it has been in
Wisconsin :-) Stay warm darlings, and if possible stay home :-)
The GOOD NEWS most people will focused on LOVE, this Valentine's Day. Love energy will be flowing for most of us, and that's the best energy we can
operate under :-) let the love flow this February 14th. Let us approach it as a Return to Love, give yourself a
hug everyday, just because, you deserve it :-)
I wish you Love and Light, during the month of February, and always~