How To Tell - Does He Like Me Quiz
The How to Tell-Does He Like Me Quiz is a simple indicator of how someone will act when they like you. If you answered yes to all four of these questions then you are definitely on the right track to being liked.
You have been talking to the guy next door for some time now and you know that you like him,

but find out if he really likes you with the How to Tell- Does He Like Me Quiz below. There are certain signs and behaviors that will let you know when someone is interested in you. This simple quiz may give you the insight that you are looking and who knows it may be the start of something greater.
Does he glance your way every time you are around?
One of the most common ways to tell if someone likes you is to watch their eyes. Direct eye contact is the quickest way to see if there is an interest. So, the next time you see him look into his eyes and see if he looks back. Most connections are made with the eyes and can express what is going on inside of a person. When you look at something that is really appealing your eyes soften into a gaze. Another sign is the gaze or look will linger on just a few seconds longer than what would be a normal look.
Does he offer assistance readily?
When someone likes you they will offer to help you, even if is only opening a door for you or listening to a problem. Does he stop to take the time to really listen to you when you have a question or just want to talk, or does he hear you but seems somewhere else or begins talking before you have finished the conversation?
Is his body language open and relaxed?
Body language is one of the greatest ways to see what is going on with someone. It has no words, but one expression can say a thousand things. When someone likes you they will stand closer and will be open-handed. That is to say, not with their hands clenched or arms crossed and their stance will be inviting suggesting that they are happy to see you. Even someone shy will gaze a little longer and then find an excuse to ask a question.
Do you know his family and friends?
Many people are very protective of their families and friends. This is because they know the most about a person and share the most affection. If you know his family and they are accepting of you then chances are he is talking about you. Friends are a little different, how they treat you is a reflection of how he is feeling about you. If his friends are friendly and respectful towards you, you can bet that so is he. His friends will want to get to know you more.
The How to Tell-Does He Like Me Quiz is a simple indicator of how someone will act when they like you. If you answered yes to all four of these questions then you are definitely on the right track to being liked. If you do not know his family and friends yet, don’t give up! Sometimes it takes a little longer to move to that stage.