LET’S PLAY ... an ... story last week about a guy who loves to play ... The ... part was that he ... prior to the game that he always cheats in ... Everyon
Read an interesting story last week about a guy who loves to play monopoly. The ‘interesting’ part was that he announces prior to the game that he always cheats in monopoly. Everyone has a good chuckle and the game gets underway.
Well of course you guessed it, when Joe wins the game cleaning everyone out of their money and Real Estate, they moan that Joe didn’t play fair. Well, dah-h-h!
Now my daddy didn’t raise a dummie, so I like to think that I would not have joined that game of monopoly. I attended Annapolis, had a 20-year career in the Navy, mostly in the Intelligence field, and am now retired.
So naturally when I read on the Internet that “for a $5 monthly investment, you can have $109,000 a year for life”, I consider it another game of monopoly, and Joe/Owner has just admitted that he cheats.
Did this program get members? Oh, you bet they did. And they aren’t the only game in town either.
I know that if I believe in miracles I can really “make $1000 commission with each sale”, “earn a 6 figure income in 90 days”, “…join and do nothing”. Another tells me I will be “left in the dust, or profit insanely”; the choice is mine.
Ads now are popped up and popped under – annoyingly in-your-face with earning projections that wouldn’t pass a third grade math test.
The greater percent of these programs go to the cyber-graveyard before they ever pay a cent to their members. That’s the sad truth. I have close friends as proof.
But I had to wonder if there really, honestly could be a program whose numbers made sense, whose projections were based on realistic spread sheets, and whose members could count on the money never running out; ever!
It was a challenge that I couldn’t resist. Admittedly my labor was not without flaws that constantly needed correcting. And many sleepless nights my head swam with numbers.
In finality, my results would not buy you a Jaguar, send you on a cruise, or allow you to fire your boss. The earnings would be modest at best…. but then so are dividends from any stock you might own: modest but dependable!
I think worse than losing your money on the Internet, is losing your hope. Don’t depend on miracles, promises or guarantees – depend on your ability to do some simple math to see if an ‘opportunity’ has any chance of surviving long term.
If it looks like just another game of monopoly, pass on it.
Ronald Clendon Smith
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