You always have a choice ... but every choice has costs and consequences!
There are times when I stop what I am doing in my business and ask myself the reasons why I am doing this. I am sure that it seemed like a good idea at the time! Working late at night,

no guaranteed monthly income, concerns about cash flow, BAS Statements, my wife asking when I will finish in the office and spend time with her – Why am I doing this again?
That’s right, I remember now. I have no limit on the amount of money I can earn, I get to work with fabulous people, I have a lot of flexibility in my working hours so I can participate in family activities, I have tax advantages running my own business and many other reasons too.
Basically, I chose to run my own business because the benefits outweigh the costs. By the way, the costs are not just financial. There are time costs, worry costs, opportunity costs and many others to consider. The thing with the costs is that there are usually costs you are not aware of when you first start out – that’s ok though because there are surprise benefits too!
We do what we do by choice. It is important to know that we always have choice – ALWAYS! Now some of you may be thinking, “But I don’t have choice about paying tax – I have to pay tax.” The reality is you don’t have to pay tax. I have a guaranteed way to never pay tax again. Are you ready for it? It is very simple. Don’t earn any money!! Tax is the cost of success. Personally, I look forward to having a MASSIVE tax problem.
So we always have choice. Well… maybe not quite always. Those times when things happen that we have no choice over, we get to choose our attitude. Maybe you had massive sales and your business was going well, but you didn’t win the local Achiever Business of the Year award that you wanted – if you have done all you can, you get to choose your attitude and your focus on this situation. How could you learn from this situation?
So the reality is you always have choice. With every choice comes a cost.
In the previous example, let’s say you did win Business of the Year award. One of the costs will be that the local newspaper will want to run a profile on you, people may call you and want an hour of your time to find out how they can be successful like you, maybe other businesses will start calling you to sell you their product or service because you are so successful. So there is a cost to winning this as well as a cost if you don’t.
I always try and consider the costs of what I want. It then becomes a very simple process.
What do I want, what price am I willing to pay and then I pay the price and move forward.
So for you, what do you want and what price will you pay? Now go for it!