The answers mediums give you depend solely on the question you ask. This is why it’s very important how you frame your question. The best thing to do is to take a piece of paper and a pen with you.
The answers mediums give you depend solely on the question you ask. This is why it’s very important how you frame your question. The best thing to do is to take a piece of paper and a pen, and sit down and think of all the questions you want answered. Write them all down without thinking of how you’re framing them. Just write them down. Once you have it all down, go through the list and pick out the ten most important ones. Get another piece of paper and write those down. Now, look at each one and frame them using the below guide.
Mediums always prefer it when you frame your questions in such a way that they can give you an answer that offers you clarity and direction regarding the situation you’re in. This also validates your personal power. A straight question with a yes or no answer doesn’t leave a lot of room to change. Another thing is don’t ask “Should I . . .” questions. This is a passive thought or question which will inhibit the flow of energy needed for a clear psychic reading. Instead, ask “Show me how …” questions. They are very empowering questions.
Mediums know that there are some subjects which will always be asked about and they are open to most of them. Having said that, there are subjects which are taboo to ask about such as legal issues. Seek professional advice first and then if you want to ask about how to use that advice, you can ask about that. Don’t try to replace professional advice with a reading. It won’t turn out in your favor.
Mediums also don’t like it when you ask when you’re going to die. Think about it logically. When you know when you’re going to die, you might end up doing something silly. When the time nears, people have been known to go into a depression so severe that it’s like they are already dead. Others have gone on spending sprees not thinking of the debt they leave on loved ones left behind. Others have gone insane with rage and committed acts that they would normally never do. Such information is best left alone.
Mediums also don’t like it when you ask them about the winning numbers of the lottery. Again, think about it logically. Why would they tell you? Why would they not buy the tickets for themselves? They cannot predict them so don’t ask.
Just like normal people, mediums respond to respect. Treat them with respect and the reading will go well. Do go with an open mind. It helps.
Fair Psychics
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