Tarot readings done by pagans are called pagan readings. Pagans are those that believe in a respect for Mother Nature, respect for all living things and a belief in bringing harm to no one.
Tarot readings done by pagans are called pagan readings. Pagans are those that believe in a respect for Mother Nature, respect for all living things and a belief in bringing harm to none. They also believe in “The Power of Three”. Basically anything you do, good or bad, will come back to you threefold. Pagans are into conservation and anything to do with taking care of Mother Nature and Gaia, the Earth. The most common pagan symbol is the pentacle. It takes the place of a cross for pagans. The points to the sides depict the four elements of Mother Nature which are Water, Fire, Air and Earth. The top point symbolizes Spirit. The circle means unity and that is why it encircles the whole pentacle. Only when the pentacle has the point at the bottom does it mean that it is being used by Satanists. Pagans NEVER point the pentacle downwards.
Pagan readings are just like any other reading with very few differences. The setting, the cards, the style and so on can differ but at the end of the day, the result is what we look at in a reading right? Let us look at the differences that are present between a normal reading and one done by a pagan.
The best setting for pagan readings is a quiet room with soft music playing in the background, preferably instrumental if possible. Scent the room with candles that lend a soft light to the whole setting while still keeping a soft light on as a backup. Nothing in the room should be jarring, brash or loud. Pastels would be the best color scheme to use here. Most keep their room separate and do not use it for anything else so as to keep the energies in the room as pure as possible.
The style that pagan readings are done in depends on the reader. There are readers who are very particular about how many readings in a day but not all are. Some who will only do it on certain days of the month. Others who will decide on whether they will read for you only after meeting you. All readers, pagan or not, have their own way of dealing with things. All have one thing in common though and that is to give you the best reading they possibly can.
The cards used in pagan readings can be very relaxing or disturbing depending on how the pictures are depicted. The most famous and favored deck is the Motherpeace Tarot. The most famous dark tarot deck used in pagan readings is the Abysmal Tarot. The deck is rated as an adult deck since the pictures are very sexual in nature and some are quite disturbing.
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