Natural Moth Repellent Moth Balls!
If you are struggling to get rid of Moths and think you are having an early Moth problem you may not be mistaken, because an explosion of clothes-eating moths is hitting the UK. Six weeks earlier than normal.
Mild winter weather combined with lax anti-moth precautions have seen populations soar to record levels meaning moth control is becoming a real issue for many. However now Internet experts have been called in to help prevent the army of moths eating a giant hole in the fabric of British society.Caraselle’s Director Jonathan Berliand said: “British households have taken their eyes off the moth ball. An older generation has lost the art of defeating these ravenous predators – thanks to growing up with clothes made from moth-resistant artificial fabrics.However,

cheap imports mean that many of today clothes now use natural fibers such as cotton and wool once again. The result is that millions of wardrobes across the UK have been left totally undefended – and the moths are having a field day.”Detailed real time data is now being used to compile a map of the UK showing the worst places for severe moths attacks – day by day. The technology will provide vital intelligence, enabling anti moth experts to predict high risk areas as they try to curb the infestations currently sweeping the country.Knowing where moth populations are rising rapidly enables pest controllers to take action quickly, preventing the rapid spread to adjoining neighborhoods. Swindon is currently the city most under attack per head of population, closely followed by London, M4 Corridor and Manchester.This technology is the equivalent of GCHQ for the moth world. Data shows that moths are advancing upon the nation with military precision. And Moths aren’t fussy – they show no respect for Saville Row Suits or Primark jumpers.Anything they can get their teeth into – jackets, trousers and underpants – will become a casualty. This latest battle strategy is being nicknamed “Operation Mick Jagger”, because as everyone knows, a Rolling Stone gathers no moths!Just forty years ago, every home in the land had ample supplies of moth repelling moth balls and sprays. Creating a tell tale distinctive smell on Sunday suits and other treasured garments.But sales collapsed between 1970 and 1990, as clothing manufacturers switched from natural fibers, opting instead for man made materials such as nylon and acrylic and polyester. Nowhere is left secured from attack.The House of Commons and even the Department of the Environment have been recent high profile targets for moth infestations. Hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of clothes, curtains, carpets and upholstery in homes across the country are being destroyed every year – and that figure is rising rapidly.After decades of decline, reports of moths eating clothes infestations have soared over the last three years with inner cities showing the biggest increase. The new high tech map, shows where moths armies are on the move.Tapping a postcode into the map reveals the location and frequency of attacks in your area, day by day. The map is updated constantly, using data gleaned from rising sales of anti moth products.Like anything, prevention is better than cure and will also ensure there’s no need to kill them. Moths are a vital part of our natural environment after all. There are some great natural repellents such as Cedar, Orphea and Colibri to keep them at bay and these products are also safe for children and pets.