The kitchen may have active moth larvae because of dispose of any opened products, remove everything from the cupboard and thoroughly clean the entire area. Place an Anti Food Moth Deterrent into the drawer/cupboard which is specifically for food areas. Many people are trying to Get Rid Of Moths from their homes. Moths are a big problem in our homes
If you have got Moths in the kitchen this is the product you need! They provide protection with peace of mind,

with no insecticide and no odour. They are efficient against food, flour and Indian meal moths.
The kitchen is one of the biggest problem areas for moths, they are seeking out bread crumbs and similar so you need to ensure you find out which foods may have active moth larvae, such as bags of flour, pasta, cereals or rice… needless to say dispose of any opened products, remove everything from the cupboard and thoroughly clean the entire area. It may also be an advisable precaution to freeze unopened packaged food because the cold treatment should kill off any larvae or eggs which may be present.
Place an Anti Food Moth Deterrent into the drawer/cupboard which is specifically for food areas. Our Anti Food Moth Traps are ideal because they provide effective protection with ZERO RISK FOR ALL FOOD AREAS.
Ensure any opened bags of food in future are airtight – which is why our Free Gift of Food Bags Clips are ideal to use in association with this product.
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*Efficient against: Food, Flour, & Indian Meal Moths
*Principle Active : Pheromone without Insecticide
*No odour*Protection with peace of mind
*Each pack contains 2 traps
Do not forget, not only are we giving away a Free Gift with our Anti Food Moth Trap, but if you spend £25 or more we will give you a FREE PET HAIR ROLLER. Who would have thought it was possible to get rid of pet hairs and moths so easily?!
If you are one of the many people who are trying to Get Rid Of Moths from your homes keep an eye on this blog and the site!!! Because NATIONAL MOTH WEEK starts on April 17th and we have some great freebies to help you remove the menace of Moths!
More than ever Moths are a big problem in our homes so if you value your possessions act now because moths can cause a great deal of damage in a very short time!
We have many products and tips, including the brilliant (and completely natural) Orphea Strips. So to kick off our Moth Week Freebies we are giving you the opportunity to sample this product for free! We are running out of stock on these sample packs so do not delay!! There is no catch, just a brilliant product which we are so confident you will love, we are giving them away! You do not even have to pay for postage!
The Orphea Moth Repellent Strips will protect and freshen your clothes and linen with long lasting moth repellent, as an added bonus it will also give your room a beautiful smell!
Remember, if you need further advice please do not hesitate to get in touch, you can also get lots of information from our Free 10 Point Moth Guide, it is packed with top tips to help you with the moth menace!
Keep checking back for more great freebies in National Moth Week, such as a free gift with our Anti Food Moth Traps, a 30% off discount code on selected Moth Deterrents and lots more!