One of the reasons many women have trouble attracting a younger man is that they treat him as though he was younger – and this will make him look at you like a long-lost mother or a boss, and these are things you expressly do not want.
Getting tired of the bitter,

jaded, and all-too-experienced men in your age group? The pursuit of a younger woman has long been the sport of men, but armed with these tips, you’ll be able to chase after younger men too.
First, you’re only as old as you act. If you present yourself as uncomfortable, uptight, and condescending about your chosen boy’s age, he’ll respond accordingly and treat you as if you’re the older woman you’re trying not to be. However, if you present yourself with self-confidence, class, and show off your natural beauty well, he won’t care how old you are – just that you’re gorgeous and brilliant.
It also helps to know yourself well enough to flirt effectively – with confidence and grace. A knowing, mischievous smile can conceal all of the nervousness in the world, and an aura of grace and charisma will leave men of any age begging for your attention.
Flirting and playing coy at any age are delicate and similar arts. Toss your hair, bat your eyelashes, or even strategically – subtly! – bending over when he can see you will win you the immediate attention of any younger man.
How you present yourself is pretty critical, too – if you look like you’re an old bat, younger men won’t go anywhere near you. This means that you should keep yourself in shape, watch what you eat, and to wear clothing that both accentuates and compliments your figure. Further, this also means that you shouldn’t be dressed like you’re going to a business meeting or Bridge game, but that you’re out on the town. You should also avoid styles that girls in their twenties are kicking, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t appear classy and sexy.
One of the reasons many women have trouble attracting a younger man is that they treat him as though he was younger – and this will make him look at you like a long-lost mother or a boss, and these are things you expressly do not want. Instead, make him feel special and treat him as an equal: listen to what he has to say, engage in intelligent conversation, and show him you think he’s amazing by providing your focused attention.
There are definitely some things to avoid, however; what you’re trying to avoid is his focusing on your age, and few things highlight the gap in age half so well as talking about your medical bills, ex-husband, or the career you no longer have that he is just beginning. Coming off as a perpetual whiner instead of engaging him in his interests will leave you cold and rejected – every time.
The best way to keep his attention, however, is to just be yourself and to relax. If you’re forcing the situation, he’ll see right through it. But if you’re playing your charming and classy self, he’ll be so fixated with you after one conversation that you’ll have to beat him off with a stick.