Palm reading has been around for centuries dating back to Aristotle in 300 B.C. He said that everyone has different charachacteristics and a different palm.
Palm reading has been around for centuries dating back to Aristotle in 300 B.C. He said that everyone has different charachacteristics. All the lines on the hand have a story to tell and can tell the future. Alexander the Great looked at the hands of all his officers with great interest. Hipocrates used palmistry in clinical diagnosis.
Palm Reading consists of looking at various things on the hand. There are various lines and bumps on the hand that give significant signs as far as seeing into the future. One of the lines is known as the life line. Even the lines on the fingers have some significance. What this means is that the whole hand means something.
A reading usually starts off with the dominant hand. The left hand is controlled by the right brain. It can be considered part of the person’s personal and spiritual development. The right hand is controlled by the left brain. It controls education, experience and social development. That is only a few things that are controlled.
The lines in palm reading are the most important part of the palm reading. The basic lines are the life line, the head line, the health line, the fate line, the fame line, the money line, the marriage line, the sex line, the spirit line, the travel line, and the luck line. These are the lines in the palm of the hand.
Palm Reading also is reading of the hand itself. There are different shapes of the hand. There is the square hand, cone shaped, spade shaped, pointed, and mixed. Hand size is determined in proportion to the body. There is hand strength, color, flexibility, and warmth.
The fingers have their own characteristics. There is finger length, space between your fingers, smoothness of the fingers, and the shape of the fingers. As an example, if your index finger is longer than normal you tend to be a leader and tell other people what to do. If it is shorter, you tend to sit back and let others tell you what to do.
Palm Reading can be done on the internet. It is something new. What you do is scan your hand on a scanner and send it to a palm reader. This is fairly new and I would suggest that you have a personal reading with a palmist. That way you can ask questions as they come into your mind. We all want answers right now while we are thinking of them.
Palm readers have been around for a long, long time and you can see what is being read. There are books that are available if you should want to look and see what if your reading is correct. Things really don’t change much when it comes to palm reading.Fair Psychics
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