Provocation In Fashion
Time changes bringing ever new trends, new styles and new moods. There is mutual connection between them as one thing causes another. What seemed impo...
Time changes bringing ever new trends,

new styles and new moods. There is mutual connection between them as one thing causes another. What seemed impossible for us before, reigns in the world and we are after new staples which emerge in the society.
Images of well-bred beauties on the runway were replaced by aggressive boldness and new era has stormed into world of haute couture. Nobody is surprised about ultra-short skirts and high-heeled sandals any more, there are subtle hints that making clothing especially sexy without baring the woman’s body. Violence penetrates movies and, probably, even inspired by such films, fashion designers create the same images. They seem to be the most real ones provoking strong emotional response. They remind that you are alive.
Rebellion has come into view, contrasted to everything created before, including sense of style which epitomized in Armani garments. It often comes together with violence which was carefully choreographed. The special esthetic it has produces impression upon public. It frightens and allures at the same time and becomes the underbelly of the society. Once decided to follow this trend it is impossible to refuse the temptation. We are captured by dark desires to rule in the modern world of chaos, which is possible to do only resorting to violence. Dolce & Gabbana clothing was one of the first which began to employ rebellion of youth with aesthetic elements that extending the limits of what is possible as far as it is referred to eroticism and sexuality. The whole world is shocked, the desired effect is achieved.
Modern take on fashion was contributed by touch of Mediterranean Italy and the finest items of couture were evolved as a result of this wonderful combination. Boldness of worldly eccentricities ruined all perceptions of respectable customers. Feminine sensuality in everything they create is accentuated to the fullest but a bit of masculinity is still retained. Women adore looking so appetizing in such outfits, and even if men are not fashion-minded, they like women in garments flattering their appearance. So the army of followers is endless regardless of their age and gender. Modesty is dispelled and beauty of female body is put ahead. There is no place for shame and we are all captured by their provocative art entailing suggestive pieces. They masterly use fasteners. Underwear is frequently employed as outerwear. Having returned corset, for instance, from the past they made it a part of contemporary outfit.
Dolce & Gabbana is famous for setting the trends but do they follow them? Actually there is no need for it because the ideas are spreading around the world and imitated by followers in all remote nooks.
Shockingly sexy stage costumes performed by Dolce&Gabbana for Madonna contributed to her immense popularity. Incredible amount of elegance, chic and provocation Dolce & Gabbana designs shine with maintains the brand on the top positions of the fashion world. You will hardly find any other brand so loved and admired by fashion conscious people all over the globe.