Some aspects of human life are not visible to the normal eye. The third is what helps to connect with the higher spiritual virtual worlds.
Some aspects of human life are not visible to the normal eye. The third is what helps to connect with the higher spiritual virtual world. Normal people who all have psychic ability use it only not as enhanced like the professionals. Several energies do not simply block them. Just the average regular human being is able to connect with their guardian angels and communicate their requirements, while their angels are able to tell them their personal predictions on their lives and how they should live.
To develop the psychic ability that a person inherently has, they need to overcome the energies that block their third eye. Besides using the abilities for financial gain, many other benefits can mount up to human beings through the opening of their third eye. It opens up access to their inner stock of wisdom, and when combined from the outer sources in the angels’ people are able to achieve better life through better and wiser choices in life.
There are also safety benefits that will come to a person with a highly sensitive third eye. They are able to perceive dangers that are invisible to the normal human eye. These would make the best bodyguards that a person could hire. There enhanced senses would allow them to detect a dangerous situation before the danger harms the one they are protecting.
To unlock a person’s psychic ability, they need to practice a few things that will enhance it naturally.
1. They need to find a quite place with minimal disturbance. This is perfect for meditation, which is an effective way to enhance it. Dimly lit areas are best for maximum concentration. Candle light is perfect for the dimming effect
2. The best position for meditation is on the ground. They should sit with their feet crossed under their trunks. The hands should rest on their laps and let the shoulders relax.
3. The next step after achieving comfort in this position is to relax and breathe slow. They should inhale less and exhale more to let the body systems slow down.
4. A stopwatch is necessary to time the meditation period. The ideal duration is about a quarter of an hour.
5. The process intensifies every five or more minutes depending on the individual. This procedure is required to enhance all the other senses including hearing and others.
6. When is time up? The procedure does not end by instantly opening their eyes. They need to wake up slowly letting the body systems return to their normal states.
The procedure above requires repeating several times a week and over a period. The results will be an enhanced psychic ability.
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