The word rune stands for whisper, secret or mystery. Each one translates into a phrase or word that signifies the mind and forces of nature. Every single run has a relationship to a Norse God depicted by a story. Psychic runes are basically an oracle which dispenses advice to those who ask for advice.
The word rune stands for whisper, secret or mystery. Each one translates into a phrase or word that signifies the mind and forces of nature. Every single run has a relationship to a Norse God depicted by a story. Psychic runes are basically an oracle which dispenses advice to those who ask for it.
The story of the origination of psychic runes goes something like this. Odin, who is the Norse High God of the Aesir, was impaled on his own spear. He hung from Yggdrasil, the world tree, for nine days and nights to gain the knowledge needed to understand the runes. When the runes appeared, he picked them up and gained the knowledge which gave him power. Later, he passed this knowledge to Freya, the Vanir goddess. In return, she taught him the magic of Seidr. Mankind was given the knowledge of runes by Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.
In order to become proficient as a psychic rune caster, you must cultivate your knowledge of the culture, mythology and history of ancient Scandinavia and Europe. Runelore is intimately tied to these. This knowledge points you in the right direction but the depth to which you explore it is up to you.
Psychic rune casting is not fortunetelling since you cannot see the future. They just give you a way of analyzing the path you are on and what the outcome might be. Remember, the future is not set in stone. Everything you do changes the future in some way. If you do not like where you are headed, you always have the chance to change the outcome by your actions and decisions.
The best way to seek advice from psychic runes is to explain your situation in detail. Once you do that, ask a specific question. Sometimes the results are not very clear. They may hint at the answers but the details have to be fathomed by you.
The simplest way to read psychic runes is to clear your mind of everything except for the question you want to ask. Concentrate on it. When your entire concentration is focused on the question and you feel that you are ready, pick one rune. This will help you gather the information you need to answer the question you have in your mind. Should you feel that you need more information, pick up three runes instead of just one. The first will give you information about the circumstances surrounding your question. The second will indicate the rout you must follow. The third will give you the outcome should you follow this route. Remember, YOU choose the final path to take. YOU can control your own future. Take your time and choose wisely.
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