Enlisting all psychical abilities or skills would be near impossible as different types of perceptions exist and new skills are constantly being spoken of as the range and scope of the human brain continuously grows.
Psychics have existed on earth since time immemorial and have either been revered or scorned depending on the social mores of the time. Psychical ability has been recorded ever since the times of the Delphic Oracle when young women would convey to men the wishes of the Gods. These women were supposed to be vested with supernatural skills that enabled them to communicate with the gods and also foresee the future. From the days of the Sisters of the Oracle human understanding of psychical ability has greatly transformed.
Today’s psychics are a much more accepted and understood lot thanks to the development of science and a more accepting and open philosophy of life. As cultures and traditions have evolved they have become more understanding of the different skills that people exhibit. Psychics are no more seen as freaks or side shows but accepted as good, hardworking ordinary people who use their skills to help people find their way in life.
Enlisting all psychical abilities or skills would be near impossible as different types of perceptions exist and new skills are constantly being spoken of as the range and scope of the human brain continuously evolves. Psychic skills can be inherited from parents or something that just happens to be in certain people’s lives. These skills are like natural talent – they are effective in their raw form but become very powerful with constant practice and honing of the skill.
It is also important to remember that any and all psychic ability exposes the person to facets of life and people that most non psychics will never know. It is a huge responsibility and inept handling of the skill and the psychic by parents and society when young could be detrimental to the mental well being of the psychic. Being psychic is all about the ability of the mind to perceive things at wavelengths that do not exist for other people. If that mind is not nurtured and fostered with care, then the very skill that the person has could become dangerous – both to society and to the psychic.
Some of the most popular psychic skills are
Ø ESP or Extra Sensory Perception or the ability to perceive things and happenings those are not associated to the psychic in any physical form.
Ø Clairvoyance or the ability to see things that are happening a fair distance away in space and also the ability to see into the future.
Ø Clairaudience is the ability to hear sounds and spoken words of the spirit world.
Ø Channeling or becoming a medium is a skill that involves the psychic being able to communicate with spirits and beings that do not belong to the real world.
Ø Aura Perception is a skill that speaks of the ability to read and understand the aura emitted by all living beings.
Ø Empathy is the most common of psychical skills and identifies the capacity of the psychic to feel another’s pain and wounds.
Ø Psychometry is the ability of the psychic to pick up vibrations from objects and things and this is what is used in finding missing persons and things.
Ø Tarot Card reading is one ability of the psychic to glean information about a person’s life based on the card drawn by them
Other than these more well known skills psychics can also have skills like Levitation, Astral projection, Divination etc.
Fair Psychics
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