Questions to Ask a Guy You Like
Have you ever thought about the questions to ask a guy you like? Questions can be very enlightening when it comes to getting to know someone who you are beginning to like.
Have you ever thought about the questions to ask a guy you like? Questions can be very enlightening when it comes to getting to know someone who you are beginning to like. It is not necessarily the question you’re asking but the answer that is important. For example,

if you asked him what is his favorite sport and he said it was water skiing and you are not a water person, in fact you cannot swim, how would this affect your relationship if you were not honest about saying so?
Asking the guy you like questions is a perfectly normal response to getting to know someone. But when you hear the answer you need to ask yourself a question; is this something that I can live with? You want to be honest with yourself if there is something that comes up that does not fit into your lifestyle. Nothing is worse than saying that you love something that you despise. This only ends in disappointment.
Asking good solid questions
When you are thinking about the questions that you want to ask, think about what you really want to find out. For instance, you want to know if he is a family person, you would ask something like “what does your family do for vacations?” or “what is your favorite holiday and why?” These questions bring to mind family get-togethers and by listening to the answers you will find out what his family beliefs are.
Trick questions-who are they tricking
Never ask a trick question because it will always come back to you. Trick questions can be harmful if used to get someone to tell you something that they really do not want to tell you. For example, “Do you like me?” is the classic trick question. It also puts the person on the spot forces him to make a decision about you that maybe he is not ready to do. Forcing an answer can end a relationship very quickly. If it is important to find out if this guy likes you, try a different approach such as “it seems like we have a lot in common, what do you think?” In this case, you are not trapping the person into an answer, but providing an opportunity for him to express what he likes or dislikes.
The questions not to ask
Questions to never ask are: Who was your first love? How am I like your last girlfriend? What happened to a previous relationship? These kinds of questions sound more like you are interviewing him for a job, then getting to know who he is. When you begin a relationship, remember it is about the person that is standing before you. If you get answers about someone previously, you begin the process of prejudging that person or worse yet, comparing your relationship to something in the past.
Questions to ask a guy you like is only the starting point of a conversation. It is always the answers that make the difference.