The lifespan of every business will see it encounter clients that may not be a good match. Particularly when you’re starting up, it can be hard to turn down work, but you’ll find that these clients sap your time and monopolise your energy, and can often lead to stressful situations that test your patience, and at times can lead you to question why you’re in the business you’re in. This article intends to be a shake up for you and your mind-set!
Start to consider that in many instances, once you have moved beyond ‘survival mode,’ it may be time to ‘set free’ those clients that aren’t right for you, allowing yourself the time to focus on getting in the ones that are, and having them benefit from the best you have to offer! Go through your client list and look for these 7 red flags that are an indicator that it’s time to bring out the axe!
Like most separations, the process of ‘letting go’ can sometimes be painful, and is often a really tough one, but is definitely one worth seriously considering in order to improve your focus, approach your business and its goals in a more positive way, better serve your other clients, and look out for your personal and professional well-being.
It may not be possible to know when entering into a contract whether or not a client will turn into one that is definitely not a good fit, so it might be useful to take some of the key points from the red flags, and include them as part of your contract. This could very well serve to deter unwanted behaviour and approaches on the part of your client, and should you need to, it provides you with a contractual basis to terminate work with them, and move on to clients who are the right fit!
Aiming for Work-Life Synergy
‘Men for the sake of getting a living, forget to live.’ Margaret Fuller In all likelihood you’ve been there… and you may have seen generations of your family and friends go through the same! You’re working endlessly, but find that you have so little to show for it!Being Your Own Boss & Low-Cost Business Start-Up Ideas
So, you’ve thought about making a change and being your own boss… and you’ve probably second guessed yourself and been frightened off by the lack of ‘security’ and ‘guaranteed income’ that a JOB brings … Well, I’m here to tell you that the security of fixed employment in a large company or well-known institution is a myth. I used to believe the myth for quite a while, even when moving from project to project, but thankfully my entrepreneurial spirit kicked in and I saw the light! (and the freedom!)Never Give Up Never Surrender
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall.’ Confucious Hurdles in life are inevitable. If we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t appreciate our accomplishments nearly as much. It’s sort of like my experience of the weather now that I live in Britain… With the frequent rain, I appreciate, (and actually cherish!), sunshine so much more than I ever did when I lived in South Africa.