Stuffed animals make children animal friendly

Dec 28




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The stuffed animals are great toys to introduce animal interaction. The toy gives the child an idea of what is an animal in general.


Being brave is not taught,Stuffed animals make children animal friendly Articles I guess. It is being trained and being familiar with the surrounding you are in, everyday of your life. At younger years, familiarity with the different kinds of animals surrounding the children makes them tough. It is through their stuffed animals that they are playing that this fact is served.

At one point, having assorted kind of stuffed animals to choose from and to play with is also good for growing kids because at an early age, they already know the different names, features and sound of different animals. I can consider it as an advance stage for their studies. When they first go to school, the teacher ask something about a common name, sound and description of a certain animal, the child can answer easily, and distinguished the animals being asked to them. If they were to segregate the sound, to the proper kind of animal, with their proper features and names, I am sure that early introduction to the animals will be of great help to the children, and it is through their stuffed animals, of course aside from the pictures and videos they are watching.

In some point, having stuffed toys in the house is also a good thing. It is proven in some studies that things are easily remembered when someone is interacting with them, than just hearing them, reading them, or seeing them. Interaction with the stuffed toys will give them these comfortable feeling, aside from its softness that makes the children remember them easily. And so, when they go to school or go on a field trip, where animals are involved, they can easily recognized them because at an early stage they were with them, playing with them, and sleeping with them, because they look exactly the same with their stuffed toys.

The children that are not introduce to this kind of toy, tends to feel afraid easily when they first encounter these animals. Some make them interchange with their names and sounds especially if they are somewhat nearly look alike. The best example were cobra and python, dolphin and shark, hippopotamus and rhinoceros, and crocodile and alligator, and there are a lot more to name them but these are just some of the examples where confusion will be in, because I, for one, from my experienced, used to interchange their names because I looked at them as the same.

So I believe that introduction to these stuffed animals in the form of a toy is a great help to growing kids, because if they learn it in school, it is still fun and okay but not that interesting for growing minds that were always curious to discover new, lovely and learning things.
