As you pack your car for your next road trip, remember someone’s probably watching.
As you pack your car for your next road trip, realize someone’s probably watching.
Burglars watch. They look for signs you are traveling. They look for outside lights on 24 hours a day. They look for dark homes inside at nighttime. They look for no car in the driveway, mail and newspapers piled up or uncut grass that’s three weeks overgrown. And they look to see you packing your car before a trip. A bad neighbor or his bad seed of a kid may be peering through their windows when you pack. That kid may end up in your house hours after you leave.
Contrary to what some might suggest, I’ve never thought it was a good idea to place your name on a “stop mail” list at the post office. Because some crack head postal employee now has a list of opportunities.
It’s the same thing with stopping delivery of your newspaper. Once you are on that list, it is known you are away.
The best case scenario for both issues is to have a trusted friend, family member or neighbor grab your mail and newspaper for you.
Never list your vacation plans on social media. The last thing you need to be doing on Facebook is telling the world you are 2000 miles away.
Here are a few home security tips to help protect your home while you are on vacation:
Pack your car in your garage or late at night under the cover of darkness.
Use timers on indoor and outdoor lights.
Let a trusted neighbor and the police know you are traveling.
Unplug garage door openers.
Have a neighbor park their car in your driveway.
Have a landscaper mow your lawn.
Don’t share your travel plans on social media or on a voicemail outgoing message.
Lock everything of significant value in a safe.
Invest in a home security camera system and home security alarm system.
Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News. Disclosures
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