Tarot is best used to answer questions to get clarity on issues that cannot be handled by logic. Unfortunately, this covers most of the important aspects of life. Relationships with family, friends, lovers and colleagues, spiritual wellbeing, etc. are all aspects that tarot can help you with.
Tarot is best used to answer questions to get clarity on issues that cannot be handled by logic. Unfortunately, this covers most of the important aspects of life. Relationships with family, friends, lovers and colleagues, spiritual wellbeing, etc. are all aspects that tarot can help with.
The answer a tarot reading gives you depends solely on the type of questions you ask. Hopefully some of the tips below will help you gain the most out of your reading.
Get a piece of paper and a pen. Sit down and write down ALL the questions you’ve in your mind. It doesn’t matter how many there are. Just write them all down. Once you’ve done that, go through the list and pick out the ten most important ones. Write these down on a separate sheet of paper.
Now, really look at them and keep in mind that you need to always try to ask a question or make a request. For example, “What’s in my future?” or “Could you tell me about my future?” are ideal.
Remember to find a positive way to frame your request or question. The more positively you frame it, the better the response from the cards.
Tarot also doesn’t work so well with closed ended questions. Avoid asking a question where the answer will be a “Yes/No”.Ask open ended questions.They are better suited to giving you advice. For example, “Will I get back with my boy/girl friend?” isn’t as good as “Tell me about my relationship with my partner.” The answer will tell you what you need to know.
Tarot cards get confused when you’ve to make the choice so avoid asking “Will I . . .” questions. The only time you should ask such questions is when the decision doesn’t involve you making a choice to affect the outcome. For example, “Will I be promoted at work?” doesn’t involve your choice but that of your boss. This is a good “Will I . . . “ question to ask.Remember to stay neutral else you’ll influence the cards adversely.
Tarot cards also don’t work well with questions where the time periods or answers have already been assumed. For example, “Tell me about . . .” is the perfect type of question.If you’ve closed your mind to anything but what you’ve decided, why did you bother to go in the first place right?
When you’re sitting for a reading for yourself, then focus on yourself. Don’t ask questions where the focus is someone else. There’s no point to this. You might as well get that person to sit instead of you.
A focused question or request is the goal. Focused but not overly detailed. Find the level of detail that suits your needs and frame the question accordingly.
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